Electronic systems are part of our every day life. We can see our health information in OmaKanta, book hotel rooms and flight tickets through Booking.com and ask for advice in Kela’s chat. For this task, I familiarised myself with the e-services of the following organisations. However, I am already familiar with all of them.
When I was a full-time student, I got financial aid for studies and housing from Kela. At the moment, my husband and I have to pay the student healthcare fee to Kela, even though we have used the service very little. One of my children get child benefit and the other financial aid for studies. This is my family’s connection to Kela.
I already have a European Health Insurance Card. I’ve travelled a lot, which is why I’ve acquired it. Luckily I’ve never needed it.
To get into OmaKanta I need to do strong authentication using my bank credentials. In OmaKanta, I can view my health information, such as laboratory test results, medical reports and prescriptions. I can also renew the recipes through the system. I visit in OmaKanta a couple of times a year.
Pension / Keva
The pension system encourages people to stay longer in working life. The employee pension is higher the longer you work and the later you retire. If I would retired at the age of 63, I would receive several hundred euros less in pension than 5 years later. In this case, it would be a disability pension, because I can´t even retire at the age of 63.
I could retire at the age of 66. A bigger employee pension motivates me to work longer. Hopefully I will stay healthy and be able to work until the age of 68, which is the goal of my retirement age.
Booking.com and Trivago
I have used Booking.com and Trivago’s services several times. I think the websites of both are clear and the information is reliable. I often compare hotel room prices between booking.com and other service sites. I also always read people’s evaluations and feedbacks, which influences my own decisions.
I visited the website of Terveyskylä service and Mielenterveystalo. There were a lot of reliable information about mental well-being. The information is intended for citizens and healthcare professionals. I have worked before in mental health care and I’m still interested in those things. In my opinion, Mielenterveystalo website is a good tool for mental health professionals.
Digital gap
Digitalization is thought to increase equality and improve the availability of services. On the other hand, it can also increase inequalities and exclusion. Some people are unable or afraid to use digital devices. Digital devices and services can be perceived as complex and difficult. These people are excluded from many services.
The development of digitalization requires helping and advising citizens. People living in blind spots in telecommunications networks must also be taken into account. Services must be accessible to all. It must be difficult for citizens who can´t or don´t want to use virtual services? Banks are only open for a short time of the day, many places only have electronic booking and it can be difficult to buy tickets without electronic services.
Digital competence test
It was interesting to do the digital competence test. According to the results, I am quite careful user of electronic services. It is reflected in the result of the test. Results in the areas of information, communication and safety are fairly even. The result of the production sector is the weakest.

Thoughts and experiences
Digital skills are new civic skills that need to be maintained continuously. Constantly developing technology brings new digital solutions to our everyday lives, but in this society it must be possible to do things by phone or face-to-face. However, shortening service hours and centralising services make face-to-face service more difficult.
Inclusion is a significant factor promoting health and wellbeing, and digitalization increases citizens’ opportunities for inclusion. Promoting inclusion reduces inequality, poverty and exclusion. Digitalization provides opportunities to participate in various activities, participate in social debate and influence.
In order to prevent digital exclusion, it is important to take into account the accessibility of digital services. Electronic systems must be easy to use and understand, and websites must be functional. Digitalization must not become an obstacle to hobbies, taking care of one’s own health and well-being, communication and participation.
I use a lot of electronic systems and digital services both at work and in my free time. I think I know how to use systems and services well and learn new things quickly. Digital security is part of digital skills and I could be more careful about that. We need to be more and more protective of our own data and passwords and to be critical. Digital services make our lives easier, but fear can prevent some people from using them.
Digital skills also include good and responsible use of the internet. Digital citizens must behave well online and respect other people. A responsible internet user understands what he is doing online, shares only correct information, and is careful about sharing personal information. The things you say on the internet should also be able to be said face-to-face.
In doing this task, I have reflected on myself as a digital citizen and my own digital skills. I have also considered the downsides, such as bullying and sharing misinformation on the internet and cybercrime. Some people don’t see themselves as digital citizens and I’m a little worried about them in this changing society.
I believe that technology and digital solutions will be a bigger part of our work and everyday life in the future. They will make our everyday life easier and offer opportunities for a more independent life also for those for whom it is not possible at the moment. The development of electronic systems and technology costs a lot, but it certainly also reduces costs. Many simple jobs do not require a person or the movement of people from one place to another. I can’t even imagine what role digital solutions will play in the world of the future.
Blogs I commented:
Kaisa´s blog: https://blogi.savonia.fi/kaisakuuppo/esimerkkisivu/
Hi Kaisa, it was interesting to read your post. I’ve never heard of vapaaehtoistyö.fi site, but it seems to be a very good way to combine volunteer tasks and volunteers. Digitalized systems are certainly the only way to handle with a big amounth of both volunteers and volunteer activities, like you said. It’s great that you can help and teach volunteers how to use your digital services. That gives them the opportunity to do valuable volunteer work. It can also encourage people to use other digital systems.
Jenna´s blogsite: https://blogi.savonia.fi/burmanjenna/digi-citizen/
Hi Jenna, you said that you are very skeptical about using foreign online stores. I am too. I use Finnish online stores a lot, but I prefer to buy clothes and shoes from department stores. I have sometimes booked hotel rooms and tickets on Booking.com and luckily everything has gone well. I haven’t noticed anything suspicious on the site.
I agree with you that there is still a lot to learn about digitalization and technology. Development is so fast that we have to learn new things all the time, both at work and in our free time.
Niko´s site: https://nikoarola.wordpress.com/digi-citizen/
Hi Niko, that’s so true what you said. Lack of skills and opportunities to use digital services can reduce people’s employment opportunities and exclude people from services. That is worrying. Some citizens are unable to use digital services.
I agree with you that training in basic digital skills is important. There should be more opportunities in our society to learn how to use digital services. It’s also important to take into account those people who have difficulties to learn new things.
Terveyskylä was something new for me. I have not come across their services before. The website seems to contain a lot of information about healthcare and services so I believe I will visit them again later.
Thank you for your writing.
I agree that the advancement of digitization requires citizens to be helped and advised.
The mental health center was a new acquaintance for me, it’s great that help is available online.
My blog; https://blogi.savonia.fi/tittakrogerus/digi-citizen/
You have similar experiences with Kela and Omakanta. Keva was surprising, that if you work longer you get more pension. I have goal to work to 68 years old, so your goal was the same. Terveyskylä was new for me. I have heard from that before, but I have not been using that service. I agree on that some digital services are hard to use. Some websites are hard to navigate, and some information is hard to find. Buying tickets are harder nowadays, example we do not have physical ticket sale at our town for events. It is good to maintain digital skills, because technology bring new solutions, like you said.
I agree with you that digital skills are new civic skills that should be maintained continuously and there should be more encouragement for those people who are afraid or lack the skills in using digital services.
Hi Anne,
We have exactly the same thoughts about travel related sites, they are reliable and it’s nice to read customer reviews you can trust. The only thing that makes you think twice is to enter your credit card details when paying for the hotel.
Br Minna Heiskanen
Hello Anne! Thank you for highlighting importance of digital systems to be easy to use and understand, and that websites must be functional. Even I have actively used websites for more than 25 years, sometimes finding basic information is very difficult. I use websites both with my computer and phone, but the usability or the user’s experience are often not the same. For positive development of digitalization, the tools have to take into account different user groups.
I myself have the same experiences of using the Booking.com site. I trust user comments and often my bookings are based on customer reviews. I appreciate a site where you can freely read previous user experiences!
It was interesting to read your thoughts. Digital skills are indeed new civilian skills that should be learned and maintained. The change into digital society has been really fast and I’m also like you quite worried about the individuals that just can’t keep up with this pace and thus fall into the digital gap.
I see that we both have quite similar thoughts on pension matters also.
Hi Anne!
Thanks for your blog post. I have no experience using Booking.com and Trivago. Nice to hear that they are reliable services and maybe in the future I will use them.
Hi, thank you for your interesting text. In your text, you interestingly brought up the responsibility of digital citizens and living together, compassion for others. I’ve been pondering this very same thing. Especially young and older people show some inconsideration online. Sometimes I’m really confused about what kind of language people have when talking each other online. I find myself thinking about the same thing, whether people don’t understand that they are equally citizens when they act online.