Utilization of Social Media at my daily work
I have been working with ICT in healthcare field working with health care pation information system and applications related with it. The tools of social media are also used for business activities, they help working in our jobs. However, in health care field we can hardly use these digital social media tools in our jobs. The quality of patient data is confidental, it is not allowed to share in social media in any way. All sharing of data between the healthcare service and patient must be arranged so that the data will not end up in the wrong hands. There is only minor use of social media tools e.g. Whatsapp application when communicating with working comminity about common tasks.
I am not using social media tools versatilely at my daily work, there are not many such work tasks I could use them. It is easier to send email or Teams message when dealing with general communication between project members. However, often the employer defines the applications we can use, it is not always the workers choice. However, the employer uses those tools e.g. to inform citizens generally, but not about health care matters.
The Teams app is one of the social media tools nowadays and it is widely used in organisations. Also my organisation, including me uses it extensively for real time communication and project management tasks such as file sharing and task management.
The tools of Social Media, how I could utilize them at my daily work
Almost all the social media tools listed in assignment are new to me. Though, I have heard about many of them but I have never used those tools. Due to nature of my work I could use note-taking applications, task and project management applications in my daily work. Those could help me to remember work tasks and manage several projects and their documentation. In addition, sharing of document could be smooth and effective. However, LinkedIn app is little different. I could use it for creating personal professional network and strengthen professional relationships. I could not use the application which main purpose is sharing data freely by social means or marketing.
The list of five social media tools chosen:
Asana: main feature is project and task management
Evernote: notes, to-dos, schedules to help remember everything and accomplish anything
LinkedIn: professional network on the internet, connect and strengthen professional relationships
Mural: a digital whiteboard collaboration space, teams work together in real-time or asynchronously
Todoist: a to-do list and task manager combining tasks, projects, comments, attachments, and notifications
The use of social media from positive and negative side
As a result of social media global communication has transformed. Information can be spread more quickly through the various social media apps, the response time has decreased. The utilization of social media in the workplace can be helpful in internal communication and social collaboration, too. The social media has busines advanteges; it helps selling and marketing of products, it helps to reach and interact with clients.
However, there are also disadvantages when using social media at daily work. There is always a risk that the social media roles of the worker get mixed, when people use social media tools both in private and working live. It should concentrate only professional tasks when representing employer in social media. The employees will always be seen as part of the company when acting in social media. There is always a risk to pose damage to the company’s reputation.
The usage of social media has reduced human interaction, the meetings are not the same when people have isolated behind their social media apps and identities. Meetings with face to face communication have been reduced, too. There is risk of online illegal activities causing harm to company when using social media apps. Thus, there are positive and negative points when using social media in our daily work, it can not be drawn a conclusion is it good or a bad thing, maybe somewhere in between.
The elements of successful use of digital application
The rules of online etiquette are important, they should be used when using online applcations. E.g. when meeting with colleagues online, do not talk over and mute yourself when you are not speaking. We should use only respectful language, too. Using online etiquette during online meetings enables us to stay professional.
Thus, HR should develop a social media policy outlining what is and is not acceptable online behavior. In addition, employees should also be trained on how to use social media responsibly.
When using social media applications at daily work, it is important to understand witch one are suitable for particular business purpose, e.g. when dealing with confidental personal data. In addition, there is always a risk that workers personal and professional the social media roles get mixed.
The apps are used widely with business activities. Thus, the companies take huge advantage when using social media applications diversely; it effectly helps selling and marketing of products.
By choosing the right app for the purpose and by following the rules of online etiquette, social media applications can be utilized in good way at our daily work.
Self evaluation
This course section (ePlatform) was quite parctical, it presented applications which could be used at daily work. I am not using social media actively, I do not have need to spend time for it. However, it is good to have knowledge about its possibilities of use. Building this blog was nice beginning of this eplatform adventure. It was pleasant to learn and become acquainted with something quite new.