
There are commercial objectives behind social media. Social media is powered by supercomputers and algorithms that draw and hook us. It offers short-term pleasure but causes negative effects in the long run. Social media can adversely affect our self-image, mental health, or concentration. It would be important to get millions of social media users to utilize the existing network for the advancement of good causes.

My current job

I am currently on study leave and a full-time student. I have a job at Kuopio University Hospital in the operating department. I was last at work in the autumn of 2021, after which I was on maternity leave and parental leave until last autumn. I started my studies in the Master’s School in Health and Well-being Promotion at the beginning of the autumn. Therefore, I do not have precise and up-to-date information on what kinds of digital tools have been introduced over the past two years. I will describe here the tools that were in use at that time.

The most well-known tools are various patient information systems in the departments and units. There were several patient information systems, some of which were used in the ward and some specifically in the operating theater. Additionally, there were various radiology imaging programs. The operating theater systems were used to document only the work done in the operating theater. I think patient information systems can be complex for users because documentation is done on several different platforms. We used the Apotti system, which was a unified system in my previous workplace. Apotti included several different navigators that were selected based on their purpose of use. We used the surgery and anesthesia navigator in the operating theater. It is used in almost all primary healthcare and specialized healthcare units in Uusimaa.

The work didn’t change much with the advent of COVID-19 in the operating theater. I mean, remote work or hybrid work couldn’t become a new norm due to the nature of the job. People cannot be operated on remotely! However, various meetings or departmental sessions shifted to being held via the Teams communication platform during the worst times of the pandemic. This was one of my first experiences with Teams in the workplace. I think it will be interesting to return to work at some point and see how much digitalization has progressed during my absence. I also don’t know if AI is already being utilized in my own operating unit.

Tools of Social Media


This application could use to increase knowledge about a colleague’s work at the workplace. I think a social media blog application could be updated, for example, every few weeks. The application would be open to everyone, and each person would have a turn to write, allowing the work community to read each other’s posts. I believe getting to know colleagues would increase job satisfaction and well-being at work. However, writing should be voluntary and done with a positive attitude. The blog could also develop when new employees join, allowing them to get to know the work community.


The application has been developed to create realistic images using artificial intelligence. I think that it could be illustrated the various surgical techniques by using the application. For example, this can used for new workers or students. Doctors and surgical nurses could utilize the images produced by artificial intelligence in simulations and gain a new understanding of anatomy. I have read that virtual reality has a lot to offer to healthcare professionals. I believe that the visual dimension adds significant value and benefit to it.


DeepL is a translation application. The application allows you to translate text, speech, images, or files. The application could be used, for example, to support foreign students during their internship. With the application, studies or articles could translate into the recipient’s native language. There are also situations where patients and healthcare professionals do not share a common language. These situations often require an interpreter. If an interpreter is not be available, a translation application can be a valuable tool for communication.


“Tame your work, organize your life.” The application promises to tame work and organize life. You can plan schedules, and meetings, and get the necessary documents in order with the application. You can also create a to-do list in the application to make notes. A supervisor’s work consists of their own employees’ matters as well as matters between management. There’s a lot to manage and remember. I believe that the management of an organization or company would benefit from this type of application. There is everything needed is in the same app.


The application offers assistance with job hunting and networking. LinkedIn is the only social media application that provides tools for job searching. I believe that the application could be utilized by managers when searching for new employees for the organization. However, the world of hospitals is still quite traditional, and the formation of employment relationships typically starts with the initiative of the employee. Nevertheless, I think the nature of the recruitment process for skilled professionals could change in the future. I speculate that job hunting could already be a mutual process between the employer and the employee in the business world.

My student colleague encouraged me to create a profile on LinkedIn precisely for networking purposes. I don’t see job hunting taking place on social media, but I believe it’s the future.

I chose these applications because they were in some way applicable to my work. The selection also had to focus on previously unfamiliar applications. This wasn’t easy because the healthcare sector may not yet fully utilize digitalization in the best possible way. My own biases likely also played a role in this.

Advantages of Social Media

When considering the benefits of social media, I see it as an essential part of modern life. Social media reaches many users, and its influence is significant. It’s easy to share information on social media. It is possible to create profiles and link them to notifications or individuals is straightforward. However, it’s worth noting that there’s a certain pressure to create accounts on various social media platforms. This may not necessarily be entirely positive. Social media use is often cost-effective or even entirely free for its users. Its effectiveness is also evident in targeted advertising to individual users. I believe that artificial intelligence operates in the background of social media, enhancing its impact.
The ideas mentioned above are part of the benefits of digitalization that it can offer to its users. I think that a lot of work could shift to digital platforms, and social media platforms offer excellent opportunities for this.

Challenges of Social Media

It’s not ethically right if everyone is forced to be on social media to gain the best benefits as an employee or employer. For example, someone may not want to download social media apps for principled reasons. I have a friend who gave up their smartphone and several social media platforms for this reason alone because they felt it consumed too much time.
When considering the negative aspects, I think there can be security threats associated with data privacy that we may not yet fully understand. Nowadays, I carefully consider whether to post my pictures on social media. There have been recent reports of misuse of images that are not real or have been edited. Another challenge of social media is that it doesn’t reach; some individuals, due to age, cognitive abilities, or language barriers.
Traditional methods have been used for recruitment thus far in the healthcare sector. Introducing social media into recruitment may face challenges due to certain biases and perceptions. I believe that as the private sector increases its use of social media for recruitment, the public sector will follow suit.

The tools to success

Digital applications should be easily discoverable and user-friendly. It’s important to assess who they are suitable for and who they will reach by developing digital solutions. The language should be understandable, and officialese should be avoided. Ideally, a digital application facilitates communication between the customer and the professional. They assist the customer in decision-making and engage them in society. The success of digital solutions in healthcare requires high-quality patient guidance. The registration for applications may decrease their user base but can also prevent misuse. Data privacy must be ensured (GDPR). It’s beneficial to add subtitles to application videos so that individuals with hearing impairments can utilize them.

Self Evaluation

I learned many new things about apps. I have never heard of the most of applications. I searched for information on the Internet, so I was able to write of them something. I think how we have managed before without them. In my opinion, they are good aids but aren´t
necessary. Fortunately, we can choose, whom we want to use at our workplace. I think that they have been in the business world and then they have moved to other fields. I believe that money has a big role in this thing.
Thema of eplatforms is known to me from another course. There is the aspect of health and well-being in the course. I think that different digital tools will develop forward in the future. We can not stop it. Whether we want it or not.


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