Digi society
As an early childhood education teacher, my work involves interacting with children, as I can’t educate them from behind a screen. However, I can utilize a diverse range of digital services to plan activities and engage with the children. Due to COVID-19, work outside the classroom has increasingly shifted to Teams meetings. I’ve noticed, however, that my workplace’s technology is outdated. For instance, the internet connection is very weak, and we can’t use video in many Teams meetings because the audio starts to break up. I miss face-to-face interaction with various partners, but I’ve realized that online meetings are often more efficient and take less time than in-person meetings.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regulates the processing of personal data and protects the privacy of individuals. According to GDPR, personal data must be processed lawfully and cannot be used for any purposes other than those specified. Personal data should not be collected more than necessary and must be kept secure, and it cannot be disclosed to third parties. Individuals have the right to access, correct, or delete their personal data.
I had already signed up for the ChatGPT service during my studies and practiced using it. Last May, we discussed its use in my work community, and I learned that not many had used it yet. We typed the question “physical activities for preschoolers” into the search field together. The result was a comprehensive information package on the physical, psychological, and cognitive benefits of exercise. I then searched for “physical activity games for preschoolers” and received a long list of activity games with instructions. Each game also included the objective it aimed to achieve.
In my opinion, AI can be beneficial in both studying and working, but you can’t fully trust the information it provides without verifying it from reliable sources. Maybe AI, with my own experiences and skills, could somewhat replace Google’s search features. The questions I asked about children’s physical activities were basic, and I found the AI’s responses quite good, though general and superficial. To plan pedagogical activities, you need to know your group, their goals, and each child’s developmental level before you can implement them.
I often use search engines like Google to find initial information on a topic and then follow the results from page to page to gather more in-depth knowledge. This way, I explore a subject from multiple perspectives using various sites. Almost everything can be handled online, which makes everyday life easier since services are available regardless of time and place.
In this task, I observed changes in my field due to digitalization. I often say I don’t use many electronic platforms at work, but I realize I use quite a few. Digitalization will continue to change and has already changed our services, but fortunately, in my work, I can be sure that interaction with clients remains face-to-face.
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