Digital tools in my work

I work as an early childhood education teacher in a municipal early childhood education unit. My job includes raising 4-5 year old children, teaching and guidance. I use in my work:

Notifications of care times and absences for children in early childhood education are made through the Edlevo system. With Edlevo, children’s care times and absences can be reported, and the accumulation of completed care times can be monitored.

The staff of the units using Titania electronic transaction can view their own work shift tables through Oma Titania. In Oma Titania, the plan and implementation lists published for electronic transactions are displayed in work shifts.

Muksunetti is an electronic communication channel between home and daycare. Through Muksunet, the guardian has information about the activities of the daycare center, the pages and blogs of the child’s early childhood education group, and the child’s early childhood education plans. Information about all the children in the family can be read on Muksunet. When a parent logs into Muksunetti, he can read news published by the municipality, daycare center or group and see children’s pedagogical documents such as children’s early childhood education plans. The teachers of the early childhood educator have rights to Muksunetti and he records early childhood education plans in Muksunetti based on the Vasu discussions with the guardians.

A team collaboration center that allows you to communicate with different people in the form of meetings or meetings. One meeting format.

An application for personnel benefits with an amount determined by the employer. You can use the amount to maintain your well-being at work.

Pinterest is a bulletin board-type social service for sharing links and images. It offers the possibility to create and maintain collections based on a theme or event or hobby. I use this app to find craft ideas for kids.

Youtube is a video service where users can add their videos to their own site and watch and comment on other users’ videos. I often use this app to search for children’s songs.
New applications:

I could start a blog to share ideas and thoughts about work methods in early childhood education. I use a lot of functional work methods in early childhood education. I make a lot of work materials myself and I would feel that they are also useful for other people in the field.

Easy to create different professional design templates. Somewhat used, but I would like to learn more. An application that can also create functional work methods.

An online community service and networking tool where users can upload their resumes, hobbies and interests, and get recommendations from former managers and colleagues. I haven’t joined, but I definitely should. It would help in the job search and in bringing new winds into life.

A mutual group of employees would facilitate the planning of work shifts and the flow of information. It also interferes with your own free time, group communication constantly visible on your personal phone.

I might need this to keep work and personal things organized and in one place.

Social media
Social media refers to online communication environments where every user has the opportunity to be an active communicator or content producer. In social media, communication takes place from many to many through a centralized service provider. Social media is often seen in a negative light. Social media can weaken well-being if it is consumed alone and mainly by following. Social media makes it possible to create friendships and keep in touch with people you wouldn’t otherwise meet. Social media also creates pressure and expectations, as the interaction has become more planned and the number of audiences has increased.
Social media can also serve as a source of inspiration in pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. Communication with people happens quickly through social media. You can quickly see other people’s answers and catch the news worldwide in real time. Social media enables information sharing and learning, and offers innovation and versatility.
Social media can offend, interfere with privacy and expose you to cyberbullying. It can also spread false and unreliable information. Passive sitting also increases and the sleep rhythm can be disturbed by excessive use of social media. Social media can also have an impact on school success.

While doing this task, I realized how many different digital tools I use in my work. I also use many different social media channels in my free time. From time to time I find the number of messages on the channels to be overwhelming and I have muted some of the groups. Sometimes the number of messages and the internalization of information through different channels creates pressure in everyday life. I have often wondered, do we need to belong to different group communication channels already in addition to the busyness of everyday life?

Askel Terveyteen julkaisuaika tuntematon. Verkkojulkaisu. https://askelterveyteen.com/sosiaalisen-median-hyodyt-ja-haitat/. Viitattu 3.12.2022.

Janne Matikainen 2022. Helsingin yliopisto. Sosiaalinen media voi lisätä hyvinvointia. Verkkojulkaisu. Päivitetty 3.2.2022. https://www.helsinki.fi/fi/uutiset/hyva-yhteiskunta/sosiaalinen-media-voi-lisata-hyvinvointia. Viitattu 3.12.2022.

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