Kela takes care of the basic insurance of people living in Finland at various stages of life. Kela’s customers are all persons covered by Finnish social security. Kela’s customers can also be employers. Through Kela, you can apply for support for families with children, health insurance, rehabilitation, basic unemployment insurance, housing allowance, study allowance, disability benefits and minimum pensions. While studying, I have applied for housing allowance and study allowance. As a family with children, I have applied for health insurance, parental allowance and maternity allowance. A European healthcare card is being discussed for the whole family to acquire. We travel a little abroad, so we haven’t found it necessary to apply for a card.


I went to in Omakanta with online banking credentials. The last time I went to Omakanta, I went to check my child’s health information. In Omakanta, you can see things related to health care, for example laboratory results, information about doctor’s or nurse’s visits, prescriptions. Omakanta is a national service that displays both private and public healthcare services.

You will receive an employment pension statement in the mail, where you can see how much pension you will receive. The pension amount and your retirement age can also be calculated from Keva’s website after logging in. I have a possible retirement age of 66 years and 10 months.

Online shops
I use some online stores. I prefer to go to the store and buy what I need. When ordering, I need to be sure that the purchase does not need to be returned. I prefer Finnish brands in the clothes I buy, for example. For children, I have ordered clothes from online stores more often, because there are more options and sizes available.
Ebay is the world’s largest online store and you can buy products from private people and companies from all over the world. Buying is safe with PayPal. I haven’t bought anything from that store, but I have used PayPal in other contexts and it has worked just fine. Ebay shows that there are goods of different price categories. With a small reservation, I would buy from that store.
The Amazon online store is also unknown, but seems to work like Ebay. According to the latest information, it would be coming to Finland, but when. Websites that look very confusing and my interest is not enough to explore the pages in more detail.
Trivago is an online search engine that allows you to compare the prices of hostels and inns offered by other hotel search engines. I have used Trivago’s pages to compare hotel prices and have often found affordable accommodation through this. I haven’t used Booking.com, but it works with the same idea as Trivago.

Muksunetti is used in my work in early childhood education. Muksunetti is an electronic communication channel between home and daycare. Through Muksunetti, the guardian has information about the activities of the daycare center, the pages and blogs of the child’s early childhood education group, and the child’s early childhood education plans. Information about all the children in the family can be read on Muksunet. When a parent logs into Muksunetti, he can read news published by the municipality, daycare center or group and see children’s pedagogical documents such as children’s early childhood education plans. The teachers of the early childhood educator have rights to Muksunetti and he records early childhood education plans in Muksunetti based on the Vasu discussions with the guardians. Muksunetti is easy to use and saves paper considerably.

Digitalization and the digitalization gap
Digitization means utilizing information technology more and more in organizing everyday life. Digitalization is about a broad change in the way of thinking. Some of the services before the digitization period will be replaced by new options. The impact of digitization on everyday life can also sometimes be surprising. Considerable changes are taking place in the background of some things, even if they are not concretely visible. Digitization brings ease to everyday life often imperceptibly, even though the topic often raises concerns. Some service may have been removed and replaced with a digital service. What about those who don’t have the know-how and skills, nor the support to learn new systems, for example, elderly people living in remote areas. In addition to the elderly, there are also groups that do not have the opportunity to use digital services due to other problems. Not taking care of things creates more problems. It’s difficult to fit into society if you don’t know how to use the services you need. Internet functionality and coverage are also not always in order in remote areas. These increase inequality in digitization.

I took a digital proficiency test. I knew when I started this course that I was far from my own competence. The test also showed that knowledge and skill are needed in many matters. In my work, I am interested in trying different applications and tools to support my work. Time to learn them is a challenge to arrange.
I enjoy reading about the applications and work methods others use in their work. It was also shocking to realize how high my retirement age is and one can only hope that even in retirement I will be in good shape and able to enjoy those moments.

I went to comment on https://blogi.savonia.fi/roosahuttunen/, https://digitalizedworking.wordpress.com/ and https://blogi.savonia.fi/amiinius/ blogs.

Digitaalinen Helsinki 2022. Mitä digitalisaatio tarkoittaa? Verkkojulkaisu. ttps://digi.hel.fi/esittely/mika-digi/. 3.12.2022.
Kansaneläkelaitos julkaisuaika tuntematon. Toiminta. Verkkojulkaisu. https://www.kela.fi/toiminta. Viitattu 3.12.2022.
Kanta julkaisuaika tuntematon. Omakanta. Verkkojulkaisu. https://www.kanta.fi/omakanta. Viitattu 3.12.2022.
Keva julkaisuaika tuntematon. Julkisen alan työeläkeosaaja. Verkkojulkaisu. https://www.keva.fi/. Viitattu 3.12.2022.

2 thoughts on “DIGI CITIZEN

  1. xturkjyrpat

    Hi Mari!
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the topic. This was the first time I got to know Muksunetti, and after my own research I found that it could be really helpful for digital education for youth!

  2. Marjo Pylkäs

    Hi Mari! It was nice to read about your thoughts. I understood from your text that you see digitalization as a possibility and a good tool of today but also as a thing that should somehow be better controlled. It is a fact that if you don’t know what you are doing in the digital world of apps and different sites, you might be taken advantage of. A little bit of caution is never a bad thing when it comes to digital world. That’s a good principle.


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