1. I currently do not use any support from Kela. My children are already of legal age, and I have a permanent job, so I do not have a need for the benefits provided by Kela.
    Ordering a European Health Insurance Card was really easy. It took maybe 3 minutes, including the logins.
  2. I have already given my consent in OmaKanta for the use of my health care data.
  3. My pension matters are handled by a different pension institution than Keva. I found out that Varma is handling my pension matters. From there, I was able to view the calculations of how much pension I will receive. The estimates were at the ages of 66 years and 10 months, 67 years, 68 years, 69 years, and 70 years.

Digital shops

I frequently compare hotel prices on both the hotel’s official website and popular booking platforms like Booking.com. I find these services to be reliable sources of information, as they provide me with the necessary details for making informed decisions.

Application from my own field

Solibri is well-known service in the field of structural design. I chose this service for several reasons. Solibri specializes in quality assurance and checking of building information modeling (BIM).

Solibri provides users with tools to inspect and ensure the quality, compatibility, and compliance of building models. The software automatically detects errors and deficiencies in the models, making it easier to identify and address problematic areas. Solibri can create combined models and perform clash detection between different disciplines. I have heard positive feedback about Solibri from other designers as well. It improves design efficiency, reduces errors, and enhances collaboration among different stakeholders in projects

Digitalization and digital gap

Limited access to information: People who do not use virtual services may miss out on important information, such as educational resources, job opportunities, and news. Social and economic exclusion: The digital gap can lead to exclusion when individuals cannot fully participate in the digital economy and miss out on the benefits it offers. Privacy and security concerns: If virtual services are not used, it may be more challenging to manage privacy and security, and personal information may be less protected.

Digital Competence Test


Self-reflection is coming soon…