About my current job and the digital tools I use
I work as a study secretary in an educational institution. I use various digital tools on a daily basis, such as Microsoft office (Outlook, Word, Excel and PowerPoint) and Teams, Webropol, WordPress, Moodle and Primus. I use there digital tools only on my computer. I use Outlook calendar to organize my work marking every little task in the calendar. It makes it easier when you don’t have to remember every thing to do. I use Word when I do certificates for course participants, Excel for maintaining various lists and PowerPoint to make presentations. Microsoft Teams I use to real-time chatting, conferencing and file sharing. With Webropol, I build various surveys, course feedback surveys and registrations for courses. I also work as the main user of Webropol. I edit our websites on the WordPress platform. I also act as the main user and contact person at Moodle. I also update the courses sometimes. I use Primus to update and maintain credits and licenses.
Selected new social media tools and their use in my daily work
Facebook: I could use Facebook to promote the courses. I think could find suitable groups and communities for advertising courses on Facebook. In fact, some courses and trainings are already marketed there, but not mine. I do have the user name and password for our Facebook account already.
LinkedIn: LinkedIn could also work well for marketing courses and trainings. Its only challenge is reaching the right target group.
Slack: This was used at my previous workplace and I really liked it. I think group messaging was easier and more fun with this than Teams.
Youtube: Videos related to the courses could be uploaded to YouTube. At Youtube there is possible to limit the availability of the uploaded videos.
WhatsApp: This could be good for communicating with colleagues, for example informing about acute issues. I think it would be easier to reach teachers with this app.
I have experience with these applications mostly from private life. These applications are also very suitable for work use. However, I think it’s important that work matters are handled on the work phone. Wouldn’t it be nice to receive a WhatsApp message about work on your personal phone during your free time. These applications are connected by communication and information sharing, which plays a big role in my work. Social media can be used to enable the sharing of information more widely. From social media it is possible to receive hate mail more easily. When acting in the role of a company, answering them requires even more careful thinking than when writing on a personal account. At my previous workplace, we often received hate mail on Facebook pages and my job included responding to them. Everything posted and written online is permanent. When writing on the company’s account, you represent the entire company. That is why it is important if the company’s communication person guides the company’s way of communicating. On my opinion it’s the most important element of successful use of digital application.
Completing the task helped me understand the possibilities of social media in my work. Since I haven’t been in working life for over a year, it’s possible that some tools have already changed or been updated. When returning to work, it will be interesting to see if, for example, ChatGPT has been implemented and if so how. Using it and the other applications I listed at work interests me alot! I noticed that there are also a lot of applications and programs that I haven’t heard of.