Am i a Digi citizen? There are a lot of things under this theme. As a Digi citizen you have to manage digitalization of your life.
First, if I want to access e-services (like Kela and OmaKanta) in which the identity of the user must be verified i have to do identification verification. In Finland there is e-Identification. It is a shared strong identification service of public administration e-services. It enables to log into the electronic services of public administration. To log in you have to use identification method, those are banking codes, a mobile certificate card or a certificate card.
Kela defines itself as the Finnish social security system and witch grants benefits to persons in different situations. The benefits are defined in Finnish law. I have used Kela’s benefits often. These days my family get’s child benefit. I’am familiar with the benefits of paternity allowance, parental allowance and maternity package (which is known widely). Kela really is involved in a persons life in different situations example unemployment, disability, sickness and when attending school. I have had European Health Card already for years now, i have it because i was studying abroad years ago.
OmaKanta is one online service from my own field of expertise. There you can view your health data. It increases awareness of one’s own health. It is field of my expertise because you can check the results of laboratory tests from there. As a user, i usually use the request a prescription renewal service, which is practical because i don’t have to call anywhere to get my prescriptions renewal.
Digitalization and digital gap
I have one example from digital cap for those people, who do not use virtual services. This is from my own field of expertise. For laboratory blood tests you can you book an appointment in online. If you don’t, and you have to go to the laboratory test, there may be possible that you have to wait in the waiting room for approx two hours, because there are not many places where laboratory tests can be taken without an appointment. If you schedule an appointment it’s faster. But sadly, there isn’t enough appointments for laboratory tests in the same day, so you will have to wait few days to get tested. Digital gap comes because you can call to make an appointment too, bur i think that when you book from online you can choose the best times first (usually morning times). And when you book from online, you can book it 24/7 and if you call you can book, move or cancel an appointment by phone in 12-14 on a weekday, so there is a difference between who uses digital services and who doesn’t.
Digital competence -test
I took the digital competence wheel -test and here are some results of it. I learned a lot about myself trough this test. The competences are merged into four main areas information, communication, production and safety. My overall sum of 4 areas in digital competence wheel where at level 4 (intermediate) which I take for a good result. Best results i had from the test is in communication and information. In level 4, I can perform well-defined tasks independently. Also, I solve non-routine problems on my own. There is only 2 % leap to overall advanced level, so that’s my goal for this course. I wanted to go trough these test results in my blog, because it was actually a learning trip for me about my digital competence. And also i really like this kind of tests and what they offer for me to improve myself. Digital competence wheel -report gave instructions to take advantage of the competences that you are already good at and use them as a steppingstone to explore and learn new ones.

Communication is one of four main competence areas in the Digital Competence Wheel. My level in communication were 5 (advanced). That means, that i have the ability to communicate, collaborate, interact with and participate in virtual teams and networks as well as make use of appropriate media, tone and behavior. Communication is a cluster of the competences of active participation, collaboration, social awareness and choice of media. Digital communication is characterized by the fact that communication is communicated via digital media.
Also my information competence where at level 5 (advanced). This means that i have ability to identify, locate, retrieve, store, organise and analyse digital information and evaluate relevance and purpose. Information is a competence area that covers several competences and a large number of digital aspects, all of which are about digital information.
Competence comes from smaller parts. My top 3 where critical evaluation, self-service and law. This meant that I have ability to process, understand and critically evaluate digital information when sent and received, ability and desire to seek out and benefit from online self-service solutions, have the knowledge about current laws and licenses for digital behavior, information and content. All of them where at level 6 (advanced level). Highest level in the digital competence wheel is 8 (highly specialized).

I open two smaller parts of the competences with the lowest score, where I can improve myself. I’ve got poor results in automation and search; both were in level 2 (foundation level).
The reason why I got so poor result is that I don’t have good understanding of how applications and websites are developed and build, and I don’t mind at all, why should I? Benefits of learning more about automation is that we can increase our skills in a negotiating situation with external suppliers so that they cannot easily fool us. The digital competence wheel gave me suggestions of how I can strengthen the automation competence is that I must exercises on how to make a simple website to get a better understanding of how one is developed. I can use one of the many learning programs for this and I can investigate how a typical software development process is executed. For example, agile processes. But I don’t know where I would use this kind of skill? I prefer to use my advanced communication skills and talk to a software developer if I had any problems. And this is what the test mentioned that i I have to take advantage of the competences I’m already good at and use them as a and learn new things. This is how i can upgrade my competence to at least intermediate level and get better result from the overall sum. So, I think that I can use little of my time to improve automation competence trough communication.

With this search competence I got poor result because I understood the proactive search -question wrong way. “I have a very proactive attitude towards finding and collecting information from the internet”. And then there was an example; “I intuitively and as the first option look up train schedules, facts, opening hours, and news on the web”. I do have proactive search attitude, but I never pic the first result, because they are usually “sponsored” -links. So, I answered lowest option.

As you can tell, the digital competence test was for me really fun thing to do! Maybe the test result would have been higher if if I had taken the test again, because it is based on one’s own point of view. Overall experience from digitalization is that it makes everything easier an faster to those who have the skills to use e-services. Teacher said in her blog that Digital citizenship is described through themes, i think i fulfill all the boxes, so I really am “Digi citizen”!
After this assignment I do recognize changes and describe internet accessible working environment, which facilitates collective action, communication and networking. I know principles of safe information sharing and has adequate information management skills.
I commented on Titta’s site, Outi’s site and Lotta’s blog. Commenting on other blogs, I can coordinate distant work, group working and can participate in discussion forums.
Hi, thanks for your interesting write-up.
Especially the thoughts about the digital cap in the laboratory appointment made me think. Indeed, I myself have found it easy, and it is probably exactly as you wrote that whoever has the ability to make a reservation using the system has the best chances to choose the best times as well.
But what would be the solution to the fact that the cap would not be so large and how would customers who are unable to make a reservation themselves get an equal service compared to others? Could the booking calendar have fixed time windows for those who come without a reservation?
Have a nice summer 2023!
Hi Kaisu, thanks for your comment! In my workplace there is a possibility that you can come to get your blood tested without resevation, but there is a lot of people who din’t get an appointment, so the waiting time for those peoples are sometimes over two hours. Solution for that is more workers! Do you mean that we should leave few morning times in the booking application for those who calls? That would work and could be tested easily. I dont’t manage these bookings so there could be a possibility that this is in use allready. And I’m sorry for my English writing skills -still practising.
Hi Taija and thank you for your interesting article!
The point you make about the inequality in online bookings is absolutely true. Although I am very active digitally, it is not possible to book all appointments digitally, for example at the vet. Calling a busy clinic can take up to an hour in the worst case, and you cannot leave a call request. At the same time, appointments are booked online for procedures that can be booked online and I get an appointment days or weeks in advance.
You have also nicely gone through and analysed the results of your digital competence test results.
Thank you!
– Heidi
You are a proactive Digi citizen in Finland, embracing digitalization in various aspects of your life. You feel confident in using e-services like Kela and OmaKanta, and you actively seek to improve your digital competencies. While recognizing areas for growth, you are eager to learn and adapt to the digital world. You enjoy participating in online discussions and value safe information sharing. Overall, you feel empowered by the opportunities that digitalization brings to manage your life efficiently.
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