Digitalisation in my field includes my pernolal life and work teknology. In my own experience, digitalization has included computer games, the internet and the computer in childhood. In my childhood and teenager, the use of the phone and internet clearly became more common, and social media came pictures in my twenties. Today, i use digital services in addition to phone and social media to use and manage various services. Running errands, paying bills, online shopping, applications, ,for example.
At my work in the hospitals surgery ward, digitalisation shows for example patient information system, various patient treatment devices and authority network. In hospital environmentn, digitalisation protection and correcr use is essential.
In future more and more can do online and most of jobs can done by home office. Hospital environment cant come to home office, but i think in hospitals they are use more and more digital tasks and improve treatment devices and connections. Asses to treatment will be via the internet or something similias in future. Today, many healtcare websites have “how you feel” survey, wich allows the paitent to answer guestions and determite the right trearment location or treatment intructions
GDPR or The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation was started on May 25, 2018. The GDPR has enhanced individuals’ data protection rights and provided EU data protection authorities with additional means to address data protection law infringements. It includes protection of Personal data, for example address, passport numer, revenua, cultural profile, ip address and hospital information.
Risks and negative about open digital society includes scams, personal information robbery and identify theft, misinformation, other persons utilize, viruses, online bullying. Algortim is both negative and positive. It can lead effortnes and help you guide information that suites you and youre intress, but it can be effective advertising. And of course sosial media is addictive and has negative impact on mental health.
Positive affects about digital society is the functioning and up-to-dateness of information and connections in social media and elsewhere. Various articles and information are easy to find
I ask Al these about Anestesia nurse working tasks, What includes tasks od anesthesia, what anesthetist should know, how to develop, how to manage patient treatment machines
Al noticed a comprehensiveness in the answers and surprisingly the answers were consistent and correct. A more detailed question reveals the general validity of the answer, and the answers should always be viewed on a general level and not assume that the information is specific to a certain field and profession.
I learned about searching and applying information from the task. The GDPR information seemed new at first, but as I familiarized myself with the matter, I learned about it through my work and my own life. Through the assignment, I slightly increased my critical thinking towards the internet and its amount of information, and it is important to constantly be careful in the digital world