I work as assistant ward manager at the oncology outpatient clinic. I use many digital tools in my work. I use e-mail (Outlook) and Teams a lot. These programs are easy to use and help a lot in daily communication. In Teams, we have our own groups for nurses, where we inform about important things and keep our own instructions that we need in our daily work. I also participate in meetings through Teams.

We use the Uranus patient information system in which we record patient information. I think that Uranus is easy to use. We don’t use any social media programs other than Instagram, where we highlight current issues in the unit and present the activity in our units. We have also Nispa, which is callback system for patient calls.
I use also Power Point, Excel and Word in my work.

In my free time I use Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat. I’m not a active publisher of stories, but I like to look at other people’s publications. I use Snapchat to communicate with my godchildren.

Five new tools for my daily work
Linkedin could be helpful in searching for new employees. I could search for suitable experts that we need. You can also announce a job vacancy there, so this could be a suitable channel when we are looking for employees.
Youtube could be helpful in patient guidance. Patient guidance videos for patients could be published there, so they could watch them at home in peace.
WhatsApp is familiar to me in private life. I use it to communicate with friends and family. It could also be good for communication with colleagues, for example informing about acute issues.
Vimeo would be also a good platform for patient guidance. Patient guidance videos could be published there.
Blogger platform could be used to tell about the unit’s activities. Patients could follow the daily life of the polyclinic through the blog and get information about the nurse’s work.
Positive and negative side of Social Media
Social media has a lot of good sides because it can be used to bring out things and perspectives. It creates a positive image of different things. It also has its downsides, such as the fact that it usually gives a too unrealistic picture of things.
In health care, the use of social media is very limited due to the protection of privacy. Everything can’t be published on social media, especially without patients’ permission. The advantages and disadvantages of social media must be compare before using them.
Self evaluation
Assignment gave me a new information about social media and how to use it. It was interesting to read other students’ opinions and thoughts about different social media platforms. When I made this assignment, it let me think about how I could use social media in my own work. Social media will play a more visible role in the future, so we have to prepare for it.