I work as a psychiatric nurse at the mental health office of a social and health center. The majority of my work still involves face-to-face encounters with clients, but a significant amount of time is also spent on the computer. I primarily use the patient system LifeCare, where I document reports for each meeting or phone conversation on the client’s profile. The system also allows me to access other health information about the client, such as notes from doctors or other professionals, laboratory data, and so on. It’s essential to note that we only access the client’s profile when necessary, and the employer carefully considers who has access to what information. Using LifeCare also involves a considerable amount of work time, and there are many security issues to keep in mind constantly.

We also use Teams and Zoom quite extensively in our work. There are some remote meetings with clients, and nowadays, there are numerous virtual meetings with various parties.

In Rondo, I review invoices related to our mental health office. For leave requests and other absences, I use Personec F ESS.

The regional email system is in daily use, as well as the regional intranet called Kaltio. It contains organizational announcements.

I use Mielenterveystalo.fi almost daily, along with Terveysportti and Päihdelinkki, to access the information I need for my work.

We occasionally use Facebook and Instagram when guiding rehabilitative work activities. There, we can share updates about our activities. We communicate a lot through WhatsApp, especially because younger clients prefer it over phone calls.

We could consider using Pinterest to gather new ideas for our work. Since we guide rehabilitative work activities, Pinterest could provide baking and crafting tips for our activities. Clients themselves could also discover new ideas on Pinterest.

Another option is creating videos on TikTok to advertise and showcase our activities. However, I’m unsure if we have the time and resources for it. I don’t personally use TikTok, so I’m not very familiar with it, but I can imagine that making TikTok videos takes time. It requires time for planning, execution, and editing. Especially when dealing with mental health and substance abuse services, we always need to consider the appropriateness of the videos to avoid offending anyone. If successful, though, this could be a fun addition to our work and possibly reduce the barrier for clients to contact us and access our services.

In the social and health sector, there’s a well-known shortage of workers, so I’m considering whether LinkedIn could be used to find new employees.

I’m considering using Evernote to facilitate documentation because the program syncs between different devices. Could this help us avoid entering information into multiple systems and provide more time for actual patient care? Of course, we need to familiarize ourselves better with these programs since we deal with sensitive information. We must consider security issues.

As for Asana, it could be helpful when collaborating with other parties. Since we collaborate extensively with other professionals, this could make collaboration easier. With Asana, you can also track tasks and everyone’s contributions. This way, there’s no need to speculate about who did what and whether someone is doing more than another, which often happens.