Utilization of Social Media at my daily work
I work in a Spa Hotell sales. My work involves a lot of communication. I communicate with customers, colleagues and stakeholders.
My job involves a lot of digital tools and I have to use digital tools on a daily basis. For example office 365, hotell reservation system and CRM.

I mainly communicate with customers using digital tools. Most communication takes place by email. For internal communication we use Teams and email. I also use a lot of word processing software to write offers. Finished and unfinished documents are stored on the onedrive. We also have a lot of organisation information on OneDrive. Such as, for example, occupational safety guidelines.

Hotellinx Cloud is a digital system. We use Hotellinx Cloud for reservations, check-in, confirmations and guest cards, conference arrangements, rate handling, hotel calendar, reports etc.

Pipedrive is a CRM system. CRM system is a sales tool. CRM means customer relationship management. The system also helps me to manage my workload and my clientele.
I use CRM system to develop customer relationships and boost sales. I collect and use customer data using the system.

I have used Miro a few times. Miro is a digital tool that makes easy to collaborate with others. I used Miro when we collaborated with other organisations. Miro is a usefull and an agile tool to work in real time.
Simple to make mistakes too. Luckily it has a cancel button.

Tiktok is a video sharing app. Tiktok can be a very effective marketing channel to business. I can aslo find new trends there, like travelling trends.
It takes time to do some videos. And it is not certain that you will get value for your time. With the right methods, a company can gain a lot of visibility.

I could take advantage of LinkedIn more in my daily work. LinkedIn is a good way to reach potential customers. Networking is important. LinkedIn is the largest professional network on the internet.

Pinterest in for finding ideas. With Pinteres I could wider potential customer base. With Pinterest business can attract the attention of customers.

Todoist is a task manager and to do -list. Almoust every day I make to-do lists. I am old fashioded and I make a list on paper. It would make more sense to move to the modern era and make the lists in app. The app is allways with me and it can not go missing so easily than a paper.
I have realized how digitalised my work and comminucation is. Almoust all the communication is digital.
I also realized that there is a lot of potential digital tools to help me with my work. With these tools I can also do my work better.
All these tools can be useless too. It takes time to use and exploid them. Businesses have to think and need to decide which tools to use and where to get the best efficiency.
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