
Five mostly used platforms I use usually on my mobilephone, sometimes I use them also on my computer so that when I’m working on my computer I don’t have to check my phone for the messages.

Whatsapp – the instant message platform that I use everyday. I keep in contact with my friends, colleagues, family and groups. It works on both mobilephone and computer at the same time.

Instagram – social media platform

I find Instagram very useful with keeping in touch with friends I wouldn’t normally keep in touch with. It is also useful in marketing as anyone could advertise their own business there. It is also very addictive as one might spend hours just browsing useless stories and loose track of time. It has it’s pros and cons. You might also feel less lonely as you can publish photos of your own life if you don’t have have anyone to share your life with.

Facebook – social media platform. Facebook is very useful keeping in contact for example with old colleagues and work communities.

Polar – application that is syncronized with my sportswatch. I can keep track on my tranining, sleeping and activity levels.

OP – this is by bank’s )Osuuspankki) application I have uploaded on my mobilephone. I use it everyday to transfer money, to pay bills, to check the bank account balance and to check the pay roll.

The positive and negative sides of e-platforms. The positive side of social media is that it is easy to keep in contact with basically everyone. Some people haveo intentionally left out of social media because they dont want their life to be public or whatever personal reason they would have. The negative side is that it can be very addictive and it can take a lot of your time to scroll and post eventough you could spend your time more productively. I think it is good entertainment if you dont get addicted and if one doesn’s start compairing oneself with wrong referenfcegroup in the way that is it’s not improving ome’s life.

The negative side of online shopping is that since shopping is made so easy it is easier to spend a lot of money with less consideration. The payment methods are also many so you dont even need any money on your bank account and itis possible to make purchases.


By doing this assignment I realized how much time we spend with different kinds of platforms and applications. All the platforms are rather easy to hack or go down due to bad network connections or device failures. And we could get easily detached from real human connection if we just count on virtual reality or platforms. It would be useful to use some other forms of connecting and operating rather than sit on a computer or with a mobile phone. But I also learned that using world press it would be rather easy to create your own website and connect virtually even easier.

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