Social Insurance Institution of Finland (KELA) is to people who lives in Finland and who bellow Finland social security. I have use KELAs service when i have been studying and also my child gets social security for KELA every month. KELA pay money for child (lapsilisä) before than child are 17 years old. Now i study academy and i pay academy healthcare payment at KELA and i could use those service for free.
European healthcare insurance card
Finland social security contain European healthcare insurance card. People who lives in Finland and bellow social security service can order that card for KELA. With the card we can get healthcare when we travel other country in the EU. I don´t have that card yet, but in the future i may travelling and then it is my healthcare security.
OmaKanta is service for our patient informations and data. I use OmaKanta regularly. I can renew my medication prescriptions and check example diagnosis. Now OmaKanta is updating for better use.
I get information for my pension every year, but i check it few times of year. I am almost 70 years old when i get a pension. I am young and my pensions started to accumulate when i was 17 years old.
eBay, karkkainen.com, Booking.com
I get this ones because I have been using them. eBay is confusing and i don´t trust website like it is. I can get there anything i want but i have heard eBay can send the wrong thing for you. Something cost less money than for example in Finland. Karkkainen.com is one my favorite websites, they send quickly what i have shopping and customer service is good. The price level is a little bit less than in the market in my home city. When i search place to travel i check booking.com, sometimes it gives the hotel a good price.
Duodecim terveysportti
my own field i use duodecim terveysportti. I can get education and information for healthcare there. It is one of my work tools and everyone in my workplace uses this website. Healthcare in Finland is based on facts and we can get in terveysportti latest facts support our work.
Digital gap
When people don´t use virtual service they can´t get the latest facts and they have a hard to resource healthcare service. In the future this is unusual because our child lives in a digital environment and uses virtual service all the time. For the older people this is hard and that challenges service provider to afford options.
Blog i have comment: Tiina´s site, Kaisu´s blog and Silja´s site
Digital competence
My digital competence are law and critical evaluation. I thing that is true, because i am interesting of law and in my education i need critical evaluation skills. I´m not active to paticipate in conversations in web. I don´t have skills for automation.

Writing to this blog is have been fun. I not good to write in english, but I think that skills are also get better. I don´t remember European healthcare insurance card and i think that i need to order that future, because i want travelling in Europe. Finland social security is so good and it´s make possible example to study. I like read another blogs.
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