My worklife for the past 12 years has been around delivering and supporting use of mobile application which helps with documentation and reviewing of patient related data by bedside. During this time I’ve seen the transformation from pen&paper and COWs (Computer on Wheels) to using smart phones and tablets for healthcare specialists to access patient related data. Of course not everybody is using them yet and they’re not suitable for replacing papers and computers/laptops entirely.

Amount of data being captured and collected is getting bigger by the day and so do the ways of utilizing it. With that data and rights to the data and protection of the data we are seeing much changes happening with the governance of data. Collecting of data in a format where it can be reused for other purposes changes the world in so many ways. For example Generative Artificial Intelligence is getting more precise and correct with it’s answers the more data you feed to it, but that data might also might corrupted causing the models it creates to be somewhat corrupt too. Finding ways how to safely extract the potential of AI tools for the healthcare and other sectors will make carry out large changes in to the world we’re living in.

Digitalization has become so entwined to people, business, personal life and anything that we see or do. This link I feel will keep on expanding and being more natural for humans of all ages and locations. Probably the next step will be something like a Neuralink that was founded by Elon Musk in 2016 or Vision Pro from Apple once both get to a stage when they’re more affordable and less bulky. This might remove the need of having a smart phone in your pocket or hand that we have been living for more than a decade.The interface with the digital world will cease to exist as it will be invisible and natural as for people is to be able to hear, see and touch.

People owning the data available of them and having the ability and rights to control their data has been a good change. Mostly it has affected how business are expected and now better governed to maintain, store, monitor, update and delete the data it has of it’s users.

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