I working in an ambulance at Kainuu. We have a navigators in the ambulance.a few years ago we navigated with maps and they are still a backup system. We got an electronic patient information system three years ago.Earlier we recorded sv 120 on the form. Electronic recording enables systematic recording better and the handwriting is clear compared to handwritten.The information system can easily find the patients’ medications and previous ambulance visits to the patient.This greatly facilitates the daily work of paramedics.At work, we have meetings through remote connections, in which all emergency care units around Kainuu participate.This makes it possible to share information simultaneously with everyone.Digitization is also useful in my basic work, such as taking ECGs. I can send the EKG to the doctor for viewing.In my basic work, blood pressure, oxygen saturation and heart rate are also automatically transferred from the defibrillator to the patient’s data.This makes my work easier as I don’t have to manually enter this information into the system.In the future, digitalization will certainly increase in nursing work. Remote appointments with patients are increasing and services are disappearing from small towns. I also believe that video calls will come into practice in ambulances, which are used to call patients and assess whether an ambulance is needed.The disadvantages of digitization are genuine human contacts. Remote connection does not replace genuine human contact.The data protection regulation stipulates that I cannot search the patient’s information in the patient information system without her permission. In this matter, the positive thing is the patients’ own freedom of speech and will. The negative is that I don’t always get the patient’s important information and I can’t start important treatment if necessary.I have used chat gpt. It can provide basic information very well. But sometimes you have to be critical because not all information is correct. Artificial intelligence can be used to support work and studies in the future. I believe that in the future more patients will be treated remotely than today. Not necessarily in primary care, but I can believe that this will happen in primary care first, and after that these things will move to primary care.


It is important that all employees are involved in digitization. As digitization increases in the work unit. Employees need more training. The future of digitalization will change emergency care enormously and that is what our employees must prepare for. I think I myself would need more training from my employer about digitalizatio. In my opinion, digitization employees should be hired for the workplaces, who would train nurses for this work better. In this matter, however, money seems to be an obstacle nowadays.