Social Insurance Institution of Finland (KELA), OmaKanta and Keva
I am not personally using any of Kela services now, but my adult kids are using many Kela-services. My sons are students so they will get the student grant and government guarantee for a student loan. They also get general housing allowance.
My daughter has a 1,5 year old daughter. Before her baby was born she got a maternity package, and now she is getting a child benefit from her daughter. She got also a pregnancy allowance, and after pregnancy allowance, she got parental allowances.
My elderly parents are living in an old electric heated house. They can have an assistance with electricity costs from Kela.
I have had European health care card for many years already and it is automatically renewed every time it is expired.
To OmaKanta it is possible to access with one’s online bank IDs.
According to Keva I could retire earliest at 66 years and one month. The date would be thirteen of May in 2036. If I continue to work until 68 years old, I would have a full pension. It seems that retiring at 63 years is not possible.
Digital Shops
I buy clothes, shoes and makeup online. All products are much more affordable online. For example an eyelash color price in Amazon is only about half of the price in local shops. Online shopping is faster and it is easier to find what you are looking for. Other customers’ comments are useful to read. The information is usually adequate and service reliable.
Application from my own field – EcoOnline Platform, Chemical Management System
Savonia UAS has Chemical Management System, which gathers all the information of chemicals and risks assessments to one platform in digital form. Employees can find the needed information of chemicals fast and easy. From the Chemical Manager system, employees can see the storage places of chemicals and amount of chemical stored. In addition, everyone can find Material Safety Data Sheets and risk assessments of the chemicals from the system.
The system helps organization to comply with obligations under chemicals legislation. In addition, environmental reporting tool helps to monitor and reduce emissions and carbon footprint of organization. In my experience, the system is very easy to use, and I can find the information quickly.
Digitalization and digital gap
Risks and challenges for those people, who do not use virtual services are that it will get quite hard to manage many things – like bank account, health care informations, taxation, Digital and Population Data Services Agency (The Finnish Digital Agency) ect.
Digital Competence Test

A brief self-reflection
I had never used WordPress and I had never wrote a blog, so I learned two things at once. I noticed that digitalization is everywhere and it has become a big part of normal life. People need web and electronic devices in so many life areas, and they need to know how to use devices and applications to be able to participate in modern society. In addition, they need to know how to participate safely.
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Hello Laura! As I can read in your text Kela is actually a part of many peoples lifes and helping to get trough certain life situations. I’ve used also study aid and parental allowances during my life and it has help a lot. Also applying allowances is quite easy now days.
Chemical management system seems to work well and give you the information needed. Is it the part of safety system? I think we have one also at my working place, because we are using medical gases, disinfectants etc. Have to find out when I’m going back to work. 🙂
Thanks for your interesting blog post. You are a braver user of foreign online stores than I am. I mainly prefer brick-and-mortar stores and domestic online stores. It is particularly important to buy everything you can get from the local store, so that the services remain in the community. The chemical management system is a good and versatile tool in matters related to chemical safety, as well as taking care of the environment. I hadn’t used WordPress before either and didn’t write a blog. It has been nice to learn it now.
Here is the URL to my blog:
Although I have never used Amazon, I agree that the advantage of online shopping is definitely that you can read peoples reviews about the products. Also the return right are often good and the shopping is made easy in any way.
It was nice to read about ur thougts. Thanks for sharing them.
It was nice to read your text. As I am from another field of studies, it was very teachful to read about chemicals, which I don’t have to know anything about in my own work! It seems that digital system for your chemical managing works well. 🙂 I am not very used to doing online shopping, like you are. My children have tought me to online shopping a little bit, but I’m always frustrated will the sizes be right and will the quality of the clothes be good when shopping. Your text is easy to read and understand, which I like!
My blog site:
Hello Laura! Thank you for the post! It was especially interesting to learn about Chemical Management System platform. I haven’t known about it before. Besides, I absolutely agree with you about risks and challenges for those who do not use virtual services. Best regards, Veronika Maisuradze
I myself you use mostly digital shops because the prices are more affordable online and it is way faster and easier way to do shopping. It is useful to read other customers comment about the online shop or product to get some more insight on the service or product.