I work as a Research Engineer at Savonia University of Applied Sciences. In my work, I use computers and many different programs every day in my work. I use computers for controlling devices, teaching (online learning environment) and communication (email, remote meetings).

In my work I use many Microsoft Office applications:  Word – for making reports, Excel – to organize information and calculate costs, Outlook to communicate with colleagues and customers, OneDrive and Teams to share and store documents and for remote meetings. Alternatively, remote meetings can be organized in Zoom.

In addition, I use these:

– Project management and working hours monitoring system, Reportronic

– Chemical Management System, Chemical Manager

– Customer relationship management and invoicing system, CRM

– System for processing of purchase invoices, Rondo 8

Five tools of social media


WhatsApp is an international instant messaging (text and voice) and video calling application. Users can send also pictures and documents. I use WhatsApp to communicate with my colleagues for practical work issues in the laboratory. In my work internet calls of WhatsApp could replace traditional phone calls, and maybe save some money.


Doodle is an online scheduling tool. It offers a way to agree appropriate time for meeting or set up an enquiry to be able to. In my work this could be used instead of Outlook Calendar Scheduling assistant.


Facebook allows users to connect online with family, friends and acquaintances or even people they don’t know. It allows users to share their thoughts, likes and dislikes and things about their life with pictures and videos. In my work this could be used as an introducing site for new employees instead of Savonia’ s intranet.


LinkedIn is a social network community service. It is mainly used for professional networking and providing information about events and projects. Employers can also inform users of job opportunities, and users can upload their CV online, tell about their competences and find a new job. This could be used to post the information and news of many different ongoing projects at Savonia UAS.


In YouTube anyone can share videos of anything. It is easy way to learn new things, get instructions of how to repair your leaking tap, change the lamp in your oven or how to bake a cake, or how to learn pipetting techniques, mathematics or play the guitar. YouTube can be used to showcase the facilities and training programs of Savonia UAS. This has been done already in some extend and I think it is illustrative way to promote Savonia UAS.

Positive and negative sides of social media

Positive sites are that people can be more connected to each other and virtually take part of each other’s everyday life even from another side of the world. Negative sides are mischievousness and bullying especially among teenagers but sometimes even grownups do not behave according to the Netiquette.

Successful use of digital application

Most important thing is that application has to be easy and safe to use. The purpose or mission of the application should be easily achieved and it should work fast.


I am not using social media very much. Only social media application I use every day is WhatsApp. Sometimes I check Facebook and see what my friends have been doing but I do not post very often.

It was interesting to notice how many different social media applications there are. Moreover, it is interesting that there are people who have time to use all those social media applications!

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