I have been ”a friend” with KELA for over ten years. For me personally when I studied in University of Applied sciences I had study grant, general housing allowance and government guarantee for a student loan. After study years there was several years cap in KELA benefits for me but when I got pregnant, I was allowed to have pregnancy allowance and when our baby was born, I had parental allowance and child benefit. When my parental leave period had come to an end, I went to work but only part time and I was allowed to get flexible care allowance. We stayed at home with my son for two summer and at that time I wasn’t working so I was allowed to get child home care allowance.   

I have had European health care card for several years, so I don’t have to get it and it renews automatically.

Accessing to OmaKanta is easy if you have online bank ID.

According to KEVA it is not possible for me to retire at the age of 63. The earliest date for me to retire is 19.9.2057 when I turn 67 years and 9 months. If I make it to the and I get a full pension at the age of 70, which sounds really depressing.  

I do most of my shopping online because it is easier and cheaper that way. This also saves my time. I only go shopping when I got the time for that which is usually never. I think most of the services online are reliable but there are also sites that you should be careful. I’ve been fooled one time and I hope that was the last. I should have noticed it because the things were way too cheap.

I mostly evaluate prices at trivago or momondo. Their you can see the cheapest prices for a hotel or a flight and those prices are already compared from different sites. I find these sites safe and easy to use.

One of the most used applications in radiography is PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication Systems). PACS is a digital imaging technology that allows healthcare professionals to store, retrieve, distribute, and display medical images and related patient information electronically. This is widely used in radiology departments and in our department, it is one of the daily essentials.

Now days I think it is essential to use virtual services because most services are now days online for example banking, health care etc. There are many risks and challenges for those who don’t use virtual services and I realize that it is hard for some people to get used to these kinds of services.


I use virtual services daily and these have made my life easier. I can do my shopping from home, and it saves a lot of time from my day. I use a lot of different kind of travel booking platforms that have made travel bookings a lot easier and I can compare prices of hotel and flight from one or two online sites. Usually, these pages are reliable, and I haven’t had any problems with these. It is still important to be aware about the dangers and risk that you might have when booking or buying things online. One thing I prefer is to use credit card or Klarna for payment solution.

Virtual services are a big part of our world now days. You can almost do everything online now days which has made most of our lives easier but for some of us it has made everything more difficult. Everyone doesn’t have the needed skills or the want to have services online. That’s why we would need more education and assistance in using virtual services because these things are made to stay and, in the future, I think almost everything will be done online. For example, in health care there is great pressure to save money and that’s way there is ongoing demand for virtual services and the hope that they would save money.

I have used KELA, OmaKanta and Keva’s services earlier. Keva I have been using just for fun when we were comparing with my co-workers what age can we retire and I was depressed then and I am even more depressed now, thinking that I have to work for 35 years if I want to have full pension. This other task were fun and I really enjoyed in reading other students thoughts about digital services and the impacts it can have to the society. Digital competence report opened a little bit my eyes by the fact that I don’t have enough knowledge about the law side and I also need to improve my active participation.

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One thought on “DIGI CITIZEN

  1. Hello Laura!

    Thank you for the interesting write-up; I share many of the same thoughts as you.

    You aptly noted that virtual services are here to stay. You’ve made good points about the benefits of virtual services. It’s also true that not everyone has the necessary skills yet, and support for using these services will surely be needed.

    It was intriguing to read about the PACS application; it was entirely new to me. I took the opportunity to look up more information about it. It sounds complex, but hopefully, it’s user-friendly and easy to use.

    Best of luck with your studies.


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