KELA is The Social Insurance Institution of Finland. It was founded in 1937 to handle retirement pay. In Finland, students are entitled to have student financial aid and housing allowance through Kela. In addition to student financial aid and housing supplements, students have the opportunity to withdraw a state-guaranteed student loan for the duration of their studies. However, I am an adult and permanently working, so I am also entitled to have adult education allowance. The adult education allowance is proportional to the salary, which makes it more sensible solution for me. Even if I am studying with adult education allowance, I pay the health care fee for a higher education student to Kela. This fee covers both health care fees and dental care fees.
At the moment, my family only receives child benefit from Kela, nyt when I was on maternity leave, Kela paid me maternity allowance and later parental allowance.
With the help of a free European healthcare card, you can get medically necessary healthcare if you travel or stay temporarily in another EU or EEA country, Switzerland, Great Britain or Northern Ireland. I dont have this card yet, but i have to get it.
I use actively OmaKanta service to view my health data. In OmaKanta I can also see the health information of my underage child. I can also see all the recipes I have been prescribed.
Keva is the biggest pension provider in the public sector. According to Keva´s pension calculator, my lowest retirement age is 67 years and 7 months – it seems that I would retire on April 1, 2056. If I work past retirement age, I would get paid more the longer I worked.
I use online shops quite a lot. Mostly I use various clothing stores ( Zalando, Sportamore, Bonbrix, Ebay, Amazon). I also use several cycling-related online stores such as bike24, Rosebikes etc. Some of these stores offer their websites in Finnish language.
As a many user, I try to spend money wisely and I compare prices a lot. Sometimes too much. I prefer companies that offer invoice as a payment method because it provides some security for buying.
My work as a operation room nurse differs a lot from so-called normal nurse’s job description. My work is very technical and focuses on knowledge of the patient’s anatomy and the progress of the surgery. So I don’t really treat patients.
Before surgery, when i am studying the patient’s health data, I use the Terveysportti website if I am not familiar with the patient’s illness. I also use medical companies’ websites a lot to get acquainted with their instuments and their instument instructions.
The world is becoming more and more virtual, which appears in the fact that companies reduce their customer service points and it is increasingly difficult to get face-to-face service. Digitalization can be difficult for all of us, but especially for older people. The development of technology has been so rapid over the past decade that it seems that we cant manage our life`s without smartphone or laptop.
Information security and privacy policy should keep up with these developments. People need education about the dangers of the Internet, but also about the benefits. Internet and social media etiquette should be taught to young people. Freedom of speech does not mean that you can pronounce you every thought aloud. I m also worried what kind of information is being collected about us and how they store it. The Vastaamo case showed how vulnerable our information systems are without a proper security culture. And how indifferent people’s attitudes can be.

I feel that I am up to date with digitization. However, I am concerned about the direction of development. The encounter between people is decreasing because human contacts are being replaced, for example, by chat robots. People also meet and interact more and more in online by sharing pictures and videos of they life. Lack of digital skills can alienate a person from society and cause stress. Lack of human contact can affect person mood and they can feel non-belonging .
While people with good digital skills, like me, see digitization as a positive thing that makes everyday life easier, elderly people may experience the opposite. Teaching digital skills to a person of retirement age can be a challenging because they don’t own smartphones or tablets. Older people have lived in a society where things have been done with the help of people.
When I was reading the blogs of other course participants, I noticed similar thoughts. I m happy that i started this course because this course has taught me new faces of digitalization. I’ve already learned a lot, but I still have a lot to learn.
For this assignment i read and commented these blogs.