Kela (Kansaneläkelaitos) is a public law institution whose purpose is to provide basic security to customers covered by Finnish social security. Kela provides support for various life situations. At the moment, the young adults in my family receive e.g. military allowance, housing allowance and study allowance. Myself and my family members have been using the European medical card for a long time.

I can log in to Keva services with my own bank credentials, a chip-based ID card or a mobile certificate. I checked my own pension and according to the calculation, my minimum retirement age is 66 years and 5 months and the upper age limit is 70 years. According to these calculations, if I want to, I can retire on February 1, 2043 at the earliest.

In OmaKanta i can log into with my own bank credentials, mobile certificate or certificate card. OmaKanta has a two-step identification. On OmaKanta, you can see your own health information, prescriptions, laboratory results, and you can save your will to donate organs and treatment. I use this service regularly.
Digital Shops
I rarely use online stores these days. I used to order a lot of products from Zalando, where I think I could get e.g. clothes like from local shops. In my opinion, the information on the products of the Zalando clear and sufficient, and easily accessible. Zalando is a reliable online store. You can pay for the products either as an advance payment or through Klarna invoicing.
I got acquainted with Shein online store, which seemed very confusing and difficult in its appearance. Shein is a global online store. The price level for local shops is really cheap. I’ve heard that you don’t always get what you ordered from that online store. I’ve also heard that ethical practices are lacking in clothing manufacturing. On the website of the online store, there are buyers’ evaluations of the products, which are naturally only positive feedback. Information about clothes, for example, can be found well, but the Country of Manufacture remains unknown. You can use, for example, visa or paypal account as payment methods. I have never used Shei’s online store and probably won’t in the future.
Amazon is an online store that sells everything that can be found in department stores. I’ve never used the online store in question, and I don’t think it’s necessary to use it. You have to register for the service to be able to do an order. The price level for local shops is affordable. I couldn’t find the countries of manufacture in the products, and I also couldn’t check customer service without registering. The service is apparently reliable if people use it around the world.
Nursin database
From Terveyportti nursing database, it is easy to get information about, for example, patient care and guidance, treatments, disease symptoms, nurse’s reception instructions, treatment recommendations, and so on. There you can find up-to-date information quickly and reliably about the patient’s care. My user experience is very positive. Terveysportti is easy to use.
Digitalization and digital gap
Today’s youth have grown up in the digital age and I think that they couldnt imagine a world without smartphones, smart watches, laptops and other digital devices. For them, the digital world is self-evident and above all, easy.
Today’s elderly, on the other hand, have lived in an era when they could not even foresee future digitalization. They don’t have the skills to use the services as well as they should and some elderly people don’t know how to use them at all. This is a challenge, because nowadays you can’t get banking services, for example, other than online. It may also become a problem that when services are digitalized, the usual contacts with people will decrease. The elderly experience even more loneliness when care contacts also take place digitally. The risks of digitization can be seen as loneliness and difficulty in everyday life, as well as marginalization for the elderly who do not know how to use these tools.

Self reflection
The task was interesting. I usually don’t surf the internet in online stores, but now I had to research them and think about their security from the user’s point of view. Kela, Keva and Omakanta are already very familiar and safe to use. I usually look the pages very clearly before i order something in online shops. I don’t own nohting like paypall exc. usually i do my orders to the invoices.
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Anni Luukkonen blog; https://blogi.savonia.fi/anniluukkonen/digi-citizen
It was nice to read your blog. You said that you prefer to choose a domestic online store, which I think also makes sense, because it is more environmentally friendly and economical, and it supports domestic production. I myself have also found foreign online stores difficult, that’s why I haven’t ordered from them.
Anna Hartikainen blog; https://blogi.savonia.fi/dweannah/
I agree with you about the Amazon online store. There are so many products that it is difficult to compare them. One of the reasons why I have never used it is precisely the scope of the online store. Too many products that take too long to browse. I also believe that Amazon is a safe place to shop. I personally prefer small, easy and domestic online stores.
Tiina Ahtiainen blog; https://fearless-tiinalab.wordpress.com/digi-citizen/
As you stated in your article, it is difficult to manage things if you don’t use digital services. For example, it becomes more difficult for older people who don’t know how to use digital services to get services you need. Social and physical contacts are also decreasing with digitization. Are those people who don’t know how to use these services marginalized?