Description of my current job and use of different digital tools

I work in a hospital in radiology department. We use a lot of technology and digitalization – We use the imaging equipment which are based on both and contains a lot of different software. We have and we do MRI, CT, ultrasound, x-ray, angiography and mammography imaging. The equipment we use has been and is constantly evolving and has added more digitalized solutions on its way to this day and forward. I also use many kinds of EPRs (Electronic Patient Record systems).

We use Teams to hold meetings and discuss on the matters within your own special area like MRI or CT or write down error logs etc. We have many different teams within Teams. We can use WhatsApp on not so official matters, for example to organize our welfare events or just to chat with each other. There the talks can’t obviously contain confidential matters, and we can’t use it on official affairs, that’s forbidden.

Platforms that I could make use of in my current work

Instagram, Snap, TikTok

I would exploit social media’s potential to attract people. I would use those three apps to advertise our company and more specifically our department. Using all of those would cover a lot of people, especially younger generations. The reason for doing that is that the whole industry is suffering from a lack of workers and in my case radiographers so I would make the best out of those apps and make our department to look attractive and interesting. You could approach the audience in different ways. You could make funny videos, stories and tell facts. You could share images of our working environment and include curious people more into our world. Many don’t know that much about our work and how diverse it is so there would be a lot to tell and share.


I know LinkedIn from my personal life, but it could be used more in working life also and especially in the radiology department where I work. I would use LinkedIn to find new radiographers to our department. Some people, even if it’s not that common among radiographers, posts advertisements about themselves in LinkedIn and it makes possible that you could approach them directly in there and recruit more people. I don’t think it’s used a lot in public healthcare, there’s more old fashion ways to put a job advertisement and wait for potential applications – at least where I work.

There’s also a lot of important news and posts to educate yourself more.


Mural makes progressive brainstorming in a group possible. It is a whiteboard but in the digitalized world. You can write your ideas down in a same place and at the same time you keep a meeting. It’s lay out looks clean cut and alluring. The colours make it visible. It’s ecological, you don’t need paper for making notes by using the app and they are in a safer place stored. It’s faster to write down with a keyboard than with hands. I could see us using it for those reasons.

Social media at work – The pros and cons

You can give and get a lot of information from social media, but you can also give too much information to the hands of unwanted. Healthcare sector has a lot of delicate information and it’s important to keep that information safe. Giving information away or opening a route for hacking can be done by accident which makes it more dangerous. Educating people about the hazards is necessary. Rules for using social media is good to be known in every working place. There’s social media you can utilize but also access for example to your own personal social media which isn’t work related.

Social media can help and easy your work at it’s best and save time. It gives routes to be in touch and keep meetings with people from all over with voice, video or both. It can make your work visible and attract people to learn more about it. Some apps can also make digitalization safer.

Self evaluation

I learned a lot from new apps I didn’t know they existed. My own impression of social media was quite narrow. Now I know what I can make in good use in the future if it’s possible. It’s important to utilize tools which are availabl, a lot more of utilizing could be done.

  1. Great post with lots of infomation. I agree for example your point of view that how important it is to…

  2. It’s amazing how you have highlighted here some very crucial principles and considerations when it comes to the development and…

  3. As you said, digitalization is a very broad area. There’s plenty of new things to learn. Your attitude to learn…

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