Digi society

An open digital society opens doors and offers people ever wider and better opportunities to function as an active citizen.  It gives people the opportunity to be actively involved in social activities. It improves people’s opportunities to influence decision-making about their own lives. To hear and be heard. It creates new and different work and study opportunities. It enables interaction between people, regardless of location, and creates an opportunity for quick access and transmission of information. Information is easily available.

But everything also has its flip side. An open digital society also creates many different security risks. When all the information is easily available, there are always people who want and know how to misuse it. Data breaches and hacking are increasing all the time. An open digital society also enables the spread of false and/or misleading information due to the rapid sharing of information. Both individuals and society are harmed.

There are also other challenges associated with digitalization. Everyone has not the same opportunities to use digital devices. For example, economic and geographic factors make people unequal. Also, not all people have the same skills for using digital devices. There are many things to consider in digitalization and its development.

My work at Perheentalo is interactive work; discussions and service guidance. Now it mainly happens face to face. But I believe that my work will change in the future with digitalization. I believe my work will include new digital tools and work methods. Although I strongly believe that nothing can completely replace face-to-face meeting work, online meetings will increase.

The General Data Protection Regulation – GDBR

The General Data Protection Regulation also applies to Perheentalo, just like all other organizations and the personnel working in them. After the entry into force of the Data Protection Regulation, more and more attention has been paid to data protection issues. In my own work, we have collected little registerable information in the past, because the activity was focused on open activities. This means that Perheentalo could be visited completely anonymously. In the past, information for the register was only collected about events that required registration, as well as cooperation organizations and volunteers. But now the situation has changed, or rather expanded.

Perheentalo has now its own visitor website. And the website requires registration. Now data protection matters must be thought about more and they must also be spelled out more and more precisely to the visitors of Perheentalo.

In my opinion, people are constantly more aware of issues related to data protection and security. People also want to know what information is collected about them and where it is stored. People are interested in why data is collected and what the data is used for. The increase in awareness is a good thing and has made people think about where their own information can and should be given. 

Other things related to information security that require caution are sending mass e-mails and filming at Perheentalo. Filming permits must be in order. We are very careful about these and protect the privacy of visitors and partners.

Families also need guidance in taking photos and videos while they are at Perheentalo. Photographing your own child is permitted, but pictures and videos must not show other children or adults if they have not given their permission.

Chat GPT

I asked various questions related to the operation of the Family House and its development, visitors and volunteers, and I received very comprehensive and precise answers. The answers were mostly correct. I would correct some wording if I used the text produced by artificial intelligence somewhere.

I had never tried using artificial intelligence before, and I was surprised by its cleverness and the variety of answers. I think that now it primarily gives tips for structuring and compiling information when writing texts, for example. However, there is a lot of information available on the Internet that is incorrect and misleading. Checking the text and data produced by artificial intelligence is important. I think that artificial intelligence has its own place and needs. It will surely be a widely used tool in the future, which is constantly evolving.


This section was interesting and challenging, even though the topic was familiar to me on some level through previous work trainings and courses. It stopped and provoked thoughts. We have to keep these things in mind all the time and think about them as part of our daily work and our own free time.

The new thing was especially the possibilities of artificial intelligence (AI) and its use. I had never used or tried AI. For some reason, I have avoided, maybe a little afraid of using it. And I was positively surprised when I tried it. Interest in it and the opportunities it created grew. On the other hand, getting to know the matter also aroused skepticism and caution.

The video lectures highlighted issues related to digitization that I haven’t even been able to think about. It constantly creates new opportunities in different fields. Digitization has changed the world quickly and will continue to do so in the future at an ever-increasing pace. It has a lot of benefits, but the risks are also increasing all the time.

The world has changed. In my childhood there were few digital devices. Now they are part of our everyday life. We wouldn’t know how to live without them.

An open digital society and digitalization are part of our lives, whether we like it or not. We must change our ways of doing things according to how the world around us is changing. We must always be interested and willing to update our knowledge in matters of data protection and security. We cannot think that we know enough now.

It was interesting to read other students’ blog texts. The implementation of this course allows you to look at the practices of different workplaces and work communities. I am happy to have chosen this study course, even though at first it didn’t seem interesting as a subject. My understanding increased and my interest was awakened.

Blogs I commented on:

Seija’s blog: https://blogi.savonia.fi/seijanenonen/

Jenni’s blog: https://blogi.savonia.fi/jennikukkonen/