Kela is the Socian Insurance Institution in Finland. First words in their website ( is “Moving to a new home, the birth of a child or illness – Kela provides support for various life situations.” I think I’ve lived all these situations. First time I take contact to Kela when I moved away from my childhood home and went studying to the other city. I need a new home and money to living while I was studying. Without this institution called Kela I couldn’t do that. When our doughters were under seventeen years we got child benefit. It has been so long time when they were little girls that I don´t even remember all benefits what we have got, but I think some child care allowances has been important for us. Nowadays I´m only happy when I got cheaper lunch in studen restaurant because I´m student and Kela pays meal subsidy. I hope that next step is national pension when I need to go to Kela 🙂
I got an European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) from Kela. The card was available free of charge for me. Everyone who has covered in health insurance in Finland can get this card free like me. By this card I can receive medically necessary treatment while travelling or staying temporarily in another EU or EEA country, in Switzerland, Great Britain or in Northern Ireland. Now I can travel with safety mind with this card!
OmaKanta is very easy to find and use. Even my 75 -years old parents can use it. You only have to go to website and use your bank ID to indentify your personality. In OmaKanta I see my visits in hospital, laboratory test results and recipes. There is also place where I can tell what kind of care I will have if I get very ill and can’t tell it anymore.
I got lot of new information about pension and other rehability benefits from Keva’s website. I think that I’ve still almost 20 years before I got pension so I haven´t figured out earlier how much I could get pension when I´m 66 or 68 years old. When I´m 66 I could get about 1740 eur/month and 68 years old about 2022 eur/month. Well, I still need to work many many years before that….
My favourite digital shops are Zalando, Horze, Adlibris, Wish and Shein. My way to go is that if I need something e.g. shoes, I first try shoes in market and if they´re expensive model and mark, before I buy them I try to find same product from digital shop. I can find same product in lower price and save many euros. Sometimes there is not the same product in digital shop and I´ve to pay that expensive price to the local market. Some special products can´t find from the stores in Kuopio. Manga books and some horse products are available only in digital shops. Most of them are in foreign countries, like Japan and Germany. Wish is my paradise when I want to buy cheap junk and I´m ready to take risk that quality may not to be best one.
The latest app I downloaded to my phone is “Diseases & Disorders”. This application tells about the symptoms and treatment of different diseases in alphabetical order. The app is in English and is free as long as you accept the ads displayed in the app. I recommend trying this app if you are interested in learning more about different diseases. I rate this 4 out of 5 stars.
People who do not use virtual services are quite rare these days. If you don’t use virtual services, it’s probably more of a matter of principle or that you don’t really own a smartphone or a computer with which you can access them. Actually, all important services are digital these days, such as healthcare, Kela, Tax services, etc. In order to survive today, one has to use virtual services in one way or another.
My digital competence is quite good. My total score was 77% and it means that I´m able to perform tasks and identify the most appropriate solution when solving most problems. You can find this test from I recommend to try, it´s fun and useful to think how much you know your own skills! Below you´ll see my digital competence wheel!

Site´s I visited and commented:
Self evaluating
There was a lot of familiarity in this topic. It was interesting to read other people’s blogs and their thoughts on the subject. I hadn’t visited Keva’s website before, or at least I don’t remember visiting…
I was left wondering if I was being overly modest in my assessment of my digital skills. However, there is plenty to learn and development is constantly moving forward.
It was nice to read about your experiences of online shoping. You listed many online shops that I haven’t even heard about. I am not so brave to order things from abroad online shops but that must be right, you can not take your shopping so serious and has to be ready for that the order might not be same as you ordered. I have never heard also that application for nurses, that must be handly tool for daily work as a nurse.
Hello Susanna,
it looks like your digital skills are good. I also haven’t heard about the healthcare app you mentioned. i must download it.
You listed some online shops that I haven’t even heard about them, such as Wish and Shein. I got interested by their name so I will definitely give them a check.
Your Diseases & Disorders app sounds very interesting. Never heard of it and since I am working hard to stay healthy to avoid visits to doctors and hospitals I believe that the use of that app will be very beneficial for me. Thanks for sharing!
I also myself use a lot of online stores when I want to buy something special that cannot be found in my place of residence or even in Finland. I’d also like to support Finnish and local production, but that’s not possible with all products.
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