I am working as a preschool teacher and I use few digital application with our preschool students to support their learning. We have three Ipads in our preschool group and we use them to learn alphabets and numbers via learning applications. We also use ipads as functional learning. Students for example are looking for exact items from the class environment that starts with specific letter and takes picture of them. When everybody has taken pictures we create own movies of them. We also watch different learning videos, listen ebooks and music from ipads so they plays huge role as our children learning tools.

Our preschool class also have two BeeBots. Those are digital learning tools for coding. We pay attention to amount of time that our students spend with digital tools. Those digital tools are very important but there have to be also time for other things like learning from playing and for some digital tools are just not the easiest way to learn new skills. I think different digital tools prepare students for the future learning areas and make the learning more rich. Our day care center communicates with parenta via Edlevo application. From there parents can get briefing and can reserve care times to their child. Our preschool group has own Instagram account and we use site called Peda.net as our day care center’s own home page.

We use whatsapp as communication tool everyday and it is easy and fast way to communicate with your workmates. We are not allowed to use whatsapp with our parents because there is a safety protection risks with it. So we communicate mainly with classic text messages. I use also quite a lot pinterest in my work. There are so much free learning material that can be print for our preschoolers. Also Youtube is almost dayly digital tool what we use at our preschool. For example in this week we are learning things about space so youtube is full of interesting videos of planets and spaceships.

Evernote would be very useful at my job as preschool teacher. I have quite lot meetings with other authorities. I could do own notes from the meeting and my workmates can read those and see also if there is some files that are good to know. Everything is at the same place if you use that digital tool. That tool can also make easier to plan preschool action for future because there you can add your plannings with photos of them (for example if you find nice idea of some handcraft) and everybody knows what you have been thinking and understand what is your meaning.

With Issuu you can create your own flipbook. That idea is very simple but also so inspiring. We could use Issuu with our stundents in learning. For example stundents can look for different alphabets and we do own flipbook of them as a groups. We could take photos from our preschool activation and publish it as a flipbook to remember what kind of happy thing we have been done in our preschool year. Flipbook would also be a helpful tool to inform parents new changes or new day care applications.

I would also use Miro with my workmates and especially with others at our day care center. We could create one platform where to plan day care  center’s common events and everybody sees the whole center’s ideas when it is at one place. Miro can be used as common calendar and there you can see all the meetings and events that are coming.

Mural is also new for me as a digital tool. I would use it as planning tool. I have joined multiprofessional workgroup that brings  ideas from their own fields to one common meeting. Mural could be digital tool where those authorities could add own ideas before the meeting and when the time of meeting comes all ideas are gathered together and can be seen in one page.

I work with to nurses at the preschool and my way to do things are that I am quite quick and my workmates doesn’t always know what they supposed to do because I don’t remember to tell them so Todoist could be good tool for that everyone knows what has to be done and what are in a check list.

When consider all pros and cons of digital tools, the pros are that there are so many possibilities to choose what serves your work best. This amount is also a con beacause you should have to get some training what kind of digital tools would be best at your work. Too much posibilities makes it difficult to choose one. Maybe it causes that people uses many different tools quite slighltly. Big benefit of digital tools are that those make learning and working much plural and rich them. People at work place should be motivated to use new digital tools and if just one at workplace use it for example as a planning tool it doesn’t serve its purpose. When all of you workplace are using one specific tool you all can get the best benefit of it. I usually thinks also all those security things of those digital tools. Can somebody hack them or is my notes save at there or is it possible that them can dissapear.

When thinking of all the pros and cons digital tools get more pros than cons for me. I think it depends on you employer how much effort is put for digital tools at your working place. Enough training and good reasons to use specific tools motivate people to use them. This assigment was really interesting. The list of all those digital tools was good and there was like over half of them that I have never even heard about. So I learned a lot during this assignment. This assigment also got me thinking all those digital tools that I use at my work and when thinking it, I found a lot of them. That was quite suprising. Digitalization has come part of our lifes and general part of our work so I don’t even count them as tools.

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