
 The Social Insurance Institution of Finland, KELA:

As I travel quite a bit I already do have the European Health Insurance Card. As I live by myself, I work full time and I do not have any children, my only connection to KELA is relating to these studies by paying a compulsory healthcare fee once for term.


Above mentioned KELA is maintaining the Omakanta service. Logging into Omakanta takes place on the Omakanta website. In my case authentication to the pages and to my own health care data takes place with the online banking codes. 


On Keva webpages you are able to check your pension record and by using the pension calculator you are able to estimate your pension based on your own information. Similar to OmaKanta webpage logging in to your own pension page happens by using your personal online banking codes, mobile ID or smart ID card. In my case I logged with the online banking codes. 

My own pension page shows that my planned retirement age is 66 years and 2 months. That’s my earliest possible retirement age. If I was going to retire earlier e.g. at the age of 63, I would receive way lower amount of money per month. Obviously I’m able to do that, but I should be wealthy enough and should own assets as a monthly pension would not be enough.

Online shopping:

I do online shopping quite a bit in different online shops and I believe the information shared is quite reliable. There’e information available even more than in traditional shops. Comparing the prizes to the traditional shops I have found online shops much cheaper in most of the items sold. I also book all my trips, flights and hotels via online booking systems.

Application from my own field – PhysioTools:

PhysioTools in online exercise software for professionals. You can select and create exercise programs from wide range of specialities. Individually created programs can be sent to clients/patients via free PhysioTools Trainer App or alternatively you can either print or email the programs. You can also send videos. PhysioTools Trainer App reminds clients when and how to do their exercises and you can track their progress in real time. For clients the App is free, but for us professionals the actual PhysioToools Software is chargeable. 

In my daily work I do use Physiotools quite frequently. Although as we do not have smartphones at work we are unable to use the Trainer App and therefore we print the exercise programs for patients. 

Digitalization and digital gap:

The digital divide exists as digitalization is not happening all over the world. This gap separates some countries from others, some areas from others within the country, a different age groups from others and even one gender from the other. The lack of skills or opportunities in using technology prevents people from accessing any digital information. This may lead to for example fewer job opportunities, less competitive economies and lower student performance.

In Finland we are pioneers of digitalization, but especially in the older age groups not everyone has the computer or smartphone or they do not know how to access them. Also remote working is not possible for everyone in Finland as we may have different speed internet connections in the country.

Digital Competence Test:

I would recommend this test to anyone who is interested in their own digital competency. Three competences I did score the highest points were data protection (73%), critical evaluation (70%) and health (68%). On the other hand my lowest scores were on configuration (5%), automation (29%)and production and sharing (45%). These areas I should pay more attention to and learn more in the future. My test report is linked in the following address: https://digital-competence.eu/dc/report/result/?uri=8f416e0f2a7f266f0bce65743c9f3c30


Best of this part of the assignments was to read other students’ blogs and thoughts about digitalization and what kind of apps and online tools they use e.g. at work. This also gave me lots of thoughts about my own digital skills and usage of different digital tools.

I was shocked at how high my retirement age is! I have never really though about that before. Realizing that will motivate me to start saving and investing money so that I could retire a bit earlier.

My comments to the following blogs:

Matti Vehviläinen – My blog – Digitalised Working Environment (savonia.fi)

Matilainen’s site – This blog is for my Digitalized working environment course studies (savonia.fi)

Roosa’s site – My journey to the world of blogging (savonia.fi)

4 thoughts on “DIGI CITIZEN

  1. Hello,
    I have seen PhysioTools as a customer and it would have been really good to get my instructions to the application. Unfortunately I only got them printed out and I didn´t even know that the application is available. The application would be beneficial for many clients because the printed papers might get lost.

  2. Taija, it was nice to read your story. I see that you take advantage of online store much more than I do. You have good ideas about the fact that there is even more information out there than in traditional shops. It’s true. Sometimes there is even too much information 🙂

  3. Hi Taija!
    In your blog, you highlighted how well Finland has developed in digitalisation and I believe that we are pioneers in many respects compared to many European countries. Digitalisation has taken a big leap in recent decades and, for example, the older population has been challenged to keep up with this development. An example of health care comes to mind when an electronic prescription came into operation. In the early days, customers were allowed to opt out of this and often it was the older population who made the ban until finally there were no more options and now the recipes are electronic for everyone. Here is my blog: https://blogi.savonia.fi/annasistonen/

  4. Hi Taija and thanks for your text. We truly are pioneers in digitalization. You say that remote working is not possible for everyone in Finland because connections are poor in the countryside but in my opinion the remote working options in Finland are good and getting even better all the time. The change of the working culture has made it possible to work from every corner of Finland. Of course, Finland is an exception, it’s not the same in most of the countries even in Europe.

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