Well, hello stranger! ☺️

My name is Vanesa, I’m 26 or 27 –depending on when you’re reading. I come from Prague, Czech Republic, and currently live in Copenhagen.

Before settling down in Copenhagen, I lived nearly 7 years in Helsinki, where I studied bachelor’s in internal business at Haaga-Helia UAS and kicked off master’s in business transformation at Laurea UAS (now 2nd year).

My professional background is in digital marketing, more specifically marketing automation. For the past 4 years, I’ve been working as a consultant focusing on helping my clients supercharge their digital engagement practice in customer-centric manner.

During my time in Finland, I worked with some of the largest players at the market in various industries. And honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if I worked with some of you!

In the beginning of 2022, I decided to move to Copenhagen which has always been my dream. Only recently, I joined global digital agency DEPT® as Senior Marketing Automation Specialist.