1. Familiarize with the local social insurance system. What are the digital services you use? What are the development trends in that field (in your country)?

Generally speaking, China’s social security system is made up of five different kinds of insurance, those are pension insurance, unemployment insurance, medical insurance, work-related injury insurance, plus one mandatory housing fund. Here are some of the key development trends of the social insurance system in China:

Expansion of coverage: The social insurance system in China has expanded to cover more people and provide a wider range of benefits. For example, in 2019, the government announced the expansion of basic medical insurance coverage to all urban and rural residents.

Integration of social insurance programs: China has integrated its various social insurance programs, including pension, medical insurance, and unemployment insurance, into a unified system to provide more comprehensive protection to citizens.

Increased funding: The Chinese government has increased its funding for social insurance programs, including through employer and employee contributions, to ensure the sustainability of the system.

Implementation of digital technology: The social insurance system in China has been modernized through the use of digital technology, such as online registration and claims processing, to improve efficiency and reduce administrative costs.

Emphasis on poverty reduction: The social insurance system in China has placed greater emphasis on poverty reduction, with the government implementing targeted measures to provide social protection to low-income and vulnerable populations.

Promotion of private insurance: The Chinese government has encouraged the development of private insurance to supplement the social insurance system and provide additional protection to citizens.

Overall, the social insurance system in China is undergoing significant development and reform to provide more comprehensive and equitable social protection to citizens.

2.Describe digital services in field of social and healthcare in your country? What are the pros and cons.

In recent years, China has seen significant development and adoption of digital services in the field of social and healthcare. Here are some examples of digital services in these fields in China:

Telemedicine: The use of telemedicine, including online consultations and remote monitoring, has increased significantly in China, particularly in rural areas where access to medical care may be limited.

Electronic health records (EHRs): China has implemented a nationwide system of EHRs to improve the sharing and management of patient data across different healthcare providers.

Mobile healthcare apps: There are numerous mobile healthcare apps available in China that provide services such as online consultations, appointment booking, and health tracking.

Social welfare services: Digital platforms in China are being used to provide social welfare services such as elderly care, disability support, and poverty alleviation.

Pros of digital services in social and healthcare in China:

Increased access to care: Digital services can improve access to healthcare, particularly for those living in remote or underserved areas.

Improved efficiency: Digital services can help healthcare providers and social welfare organizations to streamline their operations and improve efficiency, resulting in better outcomes for patients and clients.

Cost savings: Digital services can help to reduce healthcare costs, particularly by reducing the need for in-person consultations and hospitalizations.

Improved patient outcomes: Digital services can lead to improved patient outcomes, particularly by improving the sharing of medical data and enabling better coordination of care.

Cons of digital services in social and healthcare in China:

Data privacy concerns: There are concerns about the security and privacy of patient data in digital systems, particularly in a country with a less developed data protection regime.

Unequal access: While digital services can improve access to care, there is a risk that they may exacerbate existing inequalities in healthcare access due to uneven access to digital technologies.

Quality concerns: There are concerns about the quality of care provided through digital services, particularly in cases where healthcare providers may not be able to fully evaluate and diagnose patients through online consultations.

Overall, while there are risks and challenges associated with the development and adoption of digital services in social and healthcare in China, the potential benefits are significant and could lead to improved access to care, better outcomes for patients, and more efficient and cost-effective healthcare systems.

For All Students (Finnish and Foreigners)

  1. Visit e.g. digital shops like eBay, Amazon, Booking.com, Trivago and evaluate the prizes to local shop prices, and information adequacy to the consumer. Is the chosen service reliable?

It’s challenging to make an apple-to-apple comparison between the price of online marketplaces like eBay, Amazon, Booking.com, and Trivago, and local shops. Because there are some factors that may influence the price difference:

Overhead Costs: Online marketplaces have lower overhead costs, including rent, utilities, and staff wages, than local shops. This cost-saving is often passed onto the customer, resulting in lower prices.

Bulk Purchasing: Online marketplaces often purchase items in bulk, which allows them to negotiate lower prices with suppliers. Local shops, on the other hand, may not be able to purchase items in bulk, resulting in higher prices for the consumer.

Competition: Online marketplaces are highly competitive, and retailers on these platforms must price their products competitively to attract customers. Local shops may have less competition and may not feel the same pressure to price their products competitively.

Shipping and Delivery Costs: Online marketplaces often offer free shipping or delivery, which can offset the cost of the product. Local shops may not offer these services, resulting in higher prices for the customer.

Sales Taxes: Online marketplaces are not always required to collect sales tax in the same way that local shops are. This can result in a price difference, as local shops may need to charge additional taxes that online marketplaces do not.

In summary, while online marketplaces like eBay, Amazon, Booking.com, and Trivago may offer lower prices than local shops, this is not always the case. The price difference may be influenced by factors such as overhead costs, bulk purchasing, competition, shipping and delivery costs, and sales taxes. Ultimately, it is up to the individual consumer to evaluate the options and make the best purchasing decision for their needs and budget. Also, many of the e-commerce sites are reliable.

  • Find one service/application from your own field. Explain reasons for your choice and your user experiences.

There are many online services related to the health sector, which have become increasingly popular in recent years. But I frequently use health tracking apps. These apps help users keep track of their health-related data, such as their exercise habits, calorie intake, and heart rate. They can be useful for people who want to monitor their health and make positive changes to their lifestyle.

Overall, online services related to the health sector offer many benefits, including convenience, accessibility, and affordability. They can be particularly useful for people who live in remote areas, have mobility issues, or have busy schedules. However, it’s important to keep in mind that online services cannot replace in-person medical care, and should be used in conjunction with regular checkups and consultations with a healthcare provider.

  • Digitalization and digital gap; what are the risks and challenges for those people, who do not use virtual services?

The increasing digitization of society has created a digital gap between those who have access to and use virtual services and those who do not. This gap can have significant risks and challenges for people who do not use virtual services. Some of these risks and challenges include:

Limited access to information: People who do not use virtual services may have limited access to information, including news, job postings, and educational materials, which can impact their ability to make informed decisions and participate fully in society.

Social isolation: As more social interactions occur online, people who do not use virtual services may experience social isolation, leading to loneliness and a lack of social support.

Limited access to healthcare: As healthcare systems become more digitized, people who do not use virtual services may have limited access to medical information and services, which can impact their health outcomes.

Financial exclusion: Many financial services are now provided digitally, and people who do not use virtual services may have limited access to financial products and services, which can impact their ability to manage their finances effectively.

Employment challenges: With the increasing prevalence of remote work, people who do not use virtual services may be at a disadvantage in the job market, as they may not have the necessary digital skills or access to online job postings.

Increased risk of fraud and scams: People who do not use virtual services may be more vulnerable to fraud and scams, as they may be less familiar with online security and more likely to fall for phishing scams and other forms of online fraud.

Overall, the digital gap created by the increasing digitization of society can have significant risks and challenges for people who do not use virtual services. Addressing this gap will require efforts to improve digital literacy, increase access to digital services, and ensure that everyone has the skills and resources needed to participate fully in the digital age.

  • write three ‘pages’ about your thoughts and experiences in to your blog.

The digitalization of the workplace has revolutionized the way we work and communicate. The advancements in technology have enabled businesses to embrace new methods of operation, including remote work, flexible working hours, and digital communication. As an AI language model, I do not have direct experience in a physical work environment, but I can provide insights into the benefits and challenges of digitalized work environments.

One of the most significant benefits of a digitalized working environment is the flexibility it provides. Employees can work from anywhere and at any time, which has increased productivity, job satisfaction, and work-life balance. The digitalization of the workplace has also enabled organizations to reduce their costs by eliminating the need for large physical office spaces and reducing the use of paper documents.

Digitalization has also made communication faster and more accessible. The use of digital communication tools such as email, instant messaging, and video conferencing has enabled employees to communicate with each other from different parts of the world. This has made teamwork more efficient, leading to faster decision-making and increased collaboration. In addition, digital tools have also facilitated the sharing of knowledge and information, making it easier to access information from different parts of the world and collaborate with colleagues.

However, the digitalization of the workplace has not been without its challenges. One significant issue is the potential for cybersecurity risks. The increased use of digital technology has made it easier for hackers to access confidential information, leading to data breaches and cyberattacks. Organizations need to ensure that they have robust cybersecurity measures in place to protect their data and prevent attacks.

Another challenge is the potential for increased stress and burnout. With the ability to work remotely and access work-related communication tools from anywhere, it can be challenging to disconnect from work. This can lead to employees working longer hours and struggling to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

The digitalization of the workplace has also created new opportunities for learning and development. The use of e-learning platforms and digital training tools has made it easier for employees to learn new skills and improve their knowledge. This has enabled businesses to invest in their employees and keep up with the rapid pace of technological advancements.

Another benefit of the digitalization of the workplace is the potential for increased inclusivity. Digital technology has made it easier for employees with disabilities to access work-related materials and collaborate with colleagues. In addition, remote work has made it easier for employees who live far from the office or have other commitments to participate in the workforce.

However, the digitalization of the workplace has also led to concerns about job displacement. Automation and the use of artificial intelligence may lead to job losses in certain industries, and workers may need to retrain or learn new skills to remain competitive in the job market.

The digitalization of the workplace has also raised ethical concerns around the use of personal data. The increased use of digital technology means that organizations can collect and use large amounts of data, which may be used to make decisions about employees. This can lead to concerns around privacy and discrimination.

In conclusion, the digitalization of the workplace has brought about significant changes in the way we work and communicate. The benefits of a digitalized working environment include increased flexibility, faster and more accessible communication, and new opportunities for learning and development. However, challenges include cybersecurity risks, increased stress and burnout, and concerns around job displacement and ethical issues around the use of personal data.

It is essential for organizations to consider the potential benefits and challenges of a digitalized working environment and take steps to mitigate the risks. This includes investing in cybersecurity measures, promoting work-life balance, providing training and development opportunities for employees, and ensuring that personal data is collected and used in an ethical and responsible way. By taking these steps, organizations can harness the benefits of digitalization and create a working environment that is inclusive.


Available at: https://daxueconsulting.com/digital-healthcare-china Accessed at 22.02.2023

Available at: http://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2022/11/23/why-we-should-embrace-digital-healthcare/?sh=f7dc7f242724 Accessed at 24.02.2023


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