Mari's Site


In my work, I use very few e-platforms. Actually, Skype and YouTube are the only ones I use. The nature of my work is such that social media is not suitable for it. Therefore, I contemplate more about social media and its use in my leisure time. I explored the applications listed, some of which were quite unfamiliar to me. I will write about the applications of which I already have some experience.

Good, Bad WhatsApp!! There isn’t a single day without messages coming in. I have long kept the app silent. I belong to many different groups in the app, such as children’s hobby groups. The flood of messages can sometimes be overwhelming. Exchanging messages in the app is quick and can reach a large number of people when needed.

I have long been thinking about creating a profile on the LinkedIn app, but it has just remained undone. Perhaps inspired by this blog, I will get it done. I could utilize it, for example, when looking for a new job or building a professional network. It would surely provide new and up-to-date tips, for example, on leveraging technology. Perhaps LinkedIn is utilized relatively little in the healthcare sector compared to many other fields.

I use the X app almost daily. I haven’t posted any tweets myself on the platform, but I browse other people’s posts. Compared to other apps, the X app focuses a lot on everyday matters. Especially regarding politics and decision-making, there is a lot of commentary on the app that I enjoy following. The commenting can sometimes be quite fierce, even aggressive, but perhaps that’s the intention – to provoke opinions and thus gain visibility. There is also discussion about decision-making in the social and healthcare sector and current topics, which is why I certainly use it.

I have been using the app for some time, occasionally. I don’t post anything myself here, mainly just browsing through other people’s videos to pass the time. And the posts are quite diverse, both good and bad. I’ve thought a lot about the ethics of the app and followed discussions on the topic. The app does indeed seem to have a scary algorithm. For example, if I watch a longer video about a dog, soon the app will only offer me dog videos. Or if I watch a video about the war in Ukraine, as I did myself, the app offered me only videos about war for a long time. Many workplaces create content for the app, and they are actually quite funny. It’s hard to imagine producing content for TikTok from my own work.

I have recently become acquainted with this application, especially through creating this blog. I may not yet fully exploit its capabilities, but I am intrigued by what it offers. I find myself pleasantly surprised by its responses, which are quite good. It certainly serves as a helpful tool for brainstorming, organizing text, and creating presentation outlines. However, it’s important to approach the responses from the AI critically. My spouse has the premium version, and I was impressed by the images I created for this blog using it. They also showed me an advertisement video generated by the AI, which got me thinking about its potential for the future. Personally, I am somewhat old-fashioned and prefer to search for and organize information myself, so I still need to adapt to the world of AI. I believe I could utilize Chat GPT in my work in the future, but I’m not yet sure how.

I have a conflicting attitude towards social media. Personally, I’m quite invisible on social media, which is why writing this blog has felt a bit strange. It’s not natural for me to share my life with others very much, perhaps more so in the past but not anymore. However, I do use social media quite a bit in my free time, such as Instagram and Facebook. I follow others’ posts there. Sometimes I’ve thought that browsing social media takes up too much time and isn’t necessarily very relaxing. There isn’t much directly related material to my work on social media platforms, but I follow, for example, Therapist Ville’s posts; he addresses mental health issues a lot. Additionally, I follow a lot of discussions about the negative effects of social media, especially concerning young people, and I’m a bit concerned about how things will turn out in the future, such as maintaining social relationships. Since I’m quite critical of social media myself, I should remember that I’ve also gained a lot of good from it. Just everyday things, like reconnecting with a childhood friend or finding new recipes.

Self Reflection

This was a bit challenging for me since I use social media so little in my own work. However, I did familiarize myself with the applications listed and tried to think about how I could utilize them in my own work. At the same time, I realized how many apps there are that I’m not familiar with. Nevertheless, I found myself contemplating how much social media is utilized in other fields and, on the other hand, how inexperienced I still am in that regard.

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