I work for a company that assists other businesses going through periods of change. My role involves supporting individuals who have been laid off through change negotiations. We offer them career coaching, and my main task is to ensure they have the best possible customer experience. Additionally, I report to our main funder about the various training sessions we organize.

In my work, I use MS programs daily, with Teams and Outlook being perhaps the most important. Additionally, I have access to CRM and ERP systems.

My 5 new platforms

Miro – This could be utilized to streamline and improve processes. Personally, I find that visually depicted workflows are effective ways to grasp the big picture better.

ChatGpt – I’ve used AI to some in my studies, but I haven’t used it in the workplace yet. There’s been a lot of encouragement to do so, so I should make it a goal to consider how I could leverage it in different ways.
In drafting longer announcements and analyzing larger amounts of data, AI would certainly be very helpful. However, during my studies, I have already noticed that AI makes some factual errors, so it is important to understand the risk when using it.

Slack – I’ve used Slack in previous workplaces, and I found it to be an easy communication tool. However, on the negative side, our company has deemed it `s not secure enough, as we handle a lot of sensitive information. In a remote working culture, I think slack would be a good platform for general information sharing. Many channels in Teams sometimes feel unclear to me.

Todoist – This was a platform I had never heard of before. The idea of compiling a to-do list in one place sounds good. Currently, I have all my to-do items in my calendar, from which I sometimes have to move them when I can’t get them done. Perhaps this platform would work better! Also at the same time this is again one new tool to my tool box and I´m not sure if I want it to be any bigger..

TikTok – A wild card! We market our services on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. I believe that with TikTok, we could also reach younger potential customers.

Self evaluation

I liked that I got to explore several different platforms through the task that I hadn’t heard of before, and to consider how I could integrate them into my own work routine.

Overall, I’ve found this course to be useful because I’ve been able to use English in areas where I haven’t previously. Surprisingly, it’s going quite well.