Kela is a social insurance institution of Finland. When I was student I got student financial aid. I was eligible to get study grant and study loan. The amount of the financial aid was quite small but it was invaluable at that time period. I also worked while I studied and Kela’s financial help and work salary kept me alive during my studies.

When I had my son and became a mother about ten years ago , I was allowed to have a maternity package from Kela. Package included all kind of clothes and supplies for the baby and family. Clothes were beautiful and I was very pleased to have it. Finland’s maternity package has been noticed also internationally. We have to be proud of this benefit! I got maternity allowance during my maternity leaves. After the maternity leave I was able to have parental allowance during my parental leave. I was home until my son turned 1 year and 9 moths and Kela paid child home care allowance after parent leave ended.

Kela pays child benefit for each child who is permanent resident in Finland. Our family is getting this benefit also. Child benefit is paid until child comes age of 17. The amount of child benefit get’s little higher for each child if you get many children.

Kela pays also compensation for medicine, medical expenses and travel costs. The medical expenses are partly compensated when you visit a private healthcare. This compensation has decreased during last years and The Finnish Government decided to reduce amount of this benefit even more just a while ago. I think this benefit has been useful to me and my family.

We have medical insurance cards issued by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland and also European health care cards in our family. European health care cards have not been used at all. We haven’t been travelling at all over two years because on pandemic. Travel insurance replaced the costs of medical help we needed many years ago when my son got sick during our vacation.


I was able to log in to Omakanta first by choosing an identification method. I chosed S-pankki key code list to identify myself and got in to the Omakanta where I could see my health informations. I can also see my son’s information and recipies from the Omakanta.


I logged to Keva and I got information that my pension information isn’t there. Because my employers so far have been private entrepreneurs the information that I needed founds from the Varma. Varma is taking care of private employees retirement allowance. I logged to the Varma and checked my future pension there.

Online shops

I like to make purchases for me and my family from the online shops. My favorite online shops are Esprit, Bootz and Zalando. I also buy pharmaceutical goods and cosmetics from online shops. I have done it even more for past few years because of pandemic. It has been very easy way to buy what you need when ever you need. In my opinion the range of products is wider in online shops and they are also cheaper than in local shops. There seems to be all kinds of offers almost all the time and you can save real money by using these offers. Even though I like to buy from the online shops, sometimes it is nice to go to the local shops and just hang out with a friend or family member. Salesperson’s expertise is also useful in many case and it is also important to support local business. I haven’ had any problems in my online shopping. I have visited only well-known shops and paying has been secured.

A digital service from my own field

Nowadays almost every optical chain has also web shops beside their local shops. You can explore selection of sunglasses and spectacles beforehand if wanted. Many of customers supplies almost all contact lenses from these online shops. There is nowadays even opportunity to get eye examination by online in definite cases. Personnel of the optical field is ordering supplies to the customers by their own online systems. As far as I’m considered, these systems are very useful and convenient to use. Staff will enter needed information to the system and customer will get the spectacles as wished for appointed time.

Digitalization and digital gap

Digitalisation has helped us in many ways. It has offered us to use many kind of services online. That saves time and is often more easy way to take care of our daily things. Sadly this has had bad impact to availability to have personal service example in bank. Especially old people still need personal services and face-to-face meetings. State of health, invalidity and economical situation might have poor effect to use only online services. This is the thing that should be taken into account. These people should still be able to have service and be part of this society even if they are not able to use all the modern information technology.

My comments

Kamppuri Suvi:

Hi Suvi! It was nice to read your thoughts about being digi citizen. I have never earlier heard from Viito application, it sounded very interesting. It is true that ICT skills should be taught to children in early stage but it isn’t too late to learn those skills when you are older. Digi society should offer this kind of education to all people!

Jatta’s Blog:

Hi Jatta! I share your feelings about online shopping; it often saves nerves and also money! Pandemic has increased my online shopping even more. I liked your opinion that there should be options to have also service in old fashioned way if you don’t have skills or equipment to transact electronically.

Johannas site:

Hi Johanna! I was also shocked how long we have to work until we can get retired from our working lives. The amount of pension seems to be quite low also in my point of view. You are right that now it’s the time to think what other ways there could be to make sure that you are able to make your living as an pensioner.

Digital Competence Test

My digital competence test result was quite expected. Total score was 59%. I am on level 3 and my skills are intermediate. I should be able to perform routine and other well-defined tasks. According this test I should be able to solve straightforward problems on my own. I know that there is a lot to learn!

Self evaluation

I have learned many things by making this blog. This is something that I never have done before. It was very interesting to visit Keva and Varma sites and information I learned from there made me think how I should take care of my health and finances to make sure good living standard when I get older.

According test my digital competence needs also more attention! I have to be more curios and more daring with information technology to become a better digi citizen.