Experiences of the possibilities of digitalisation are quite contradictory. Challenges of learning with touch screen smart devices. Security issues in handling personal matters and understanding the digital environment of different terminals in general are not a matter of course for everyone.

I worked as an information technology teacher at an open educational institution for the elderly. For almost 10 years, I instructed them to use their own computers, cell phones, and other personal digital services. From year to year, they periodically came to lectures and were grateful for the information they received in today’s world about personal matters such as banking, taxes and contact with their own children (Skype)

A feeling of insecurity was always present. They were unable to understand and internalize the idea that there is no return to the previous culture of service. They need to learn a whole new language to speak and understand how society works.

My job has changed and I work with young adults. Their attitude towards information technology is quite different. Young people know how to search for information but cannot question what they are looking for. The distinction between right and wrong has become blurred during the Internet revolution. Whatever the case, we find the answer on the Internet. We cannot trust the things we find completely, but we need to be able to realize and understand what information we are using and how much. I think the Internet in use has come to an end. The flow of information is so massive and moreover, the objects we add to the world of the internet will destroy it once and for all. Humanity cannot control its information network indefinitely, but we will have to build a new model towards a smarter society.

The benefits and risks of open digitalisation and the data protection reform GDPR.

I watched Mr. Pranav Mistry’s presentation on SixthSens technology. The performance was fascinating. The ability of SixthSens to deal with real physical things, combining them with a completely digital dimension. People would carry a 3d camera with them and use their fingers to control things we still need in the office or on the computer with internet connections.

No matter how the world changes. We would no longer need separate computers, telephones, or other modern means of digital communication. Easy and effortless. Perhaps man could be transferred anywhere by digital methods. We could work or study from anywhere we want. We could move ourselves to more workshops and at the same time attend training and study. Time would lose its meaning. We would get more hours a day without experiencing physical exhaustion.

Our social life would change completely. Transparency in the use of digital connections and personal data would be a real risk to society. Verification of data on an individual basis would be a major challenge. The two-part authentication that is now in use would no longer work. It would be impossible to verify the data because everything could be wiped out without leaving a memory trace in the data. Face recognition or the use of an eye iris for identification would not work. In practice, the EU GDPR would no longer be a specific EU data protection regulation. The principle of open source is that everyone, as an individual, would take care of their own and also their relatives’ digital security.

A digital revolution like this would affect us in every way. SixthSens – a fascinating idea but brings insecurity to human life. Social life would come to a standstill. Would we experience emptiness and perhaps die into extinction. As the machine world takes power on our planet.

The privacy reform in my own work has very little or no effect on GDPR. I work in the field of education and information technology is one subject. The importance of security must be emphasized to young people. How they deal with personal matters, what they write on social media, and the dangers of the Internet. Young people easily close themselves to their own world and become anxious about the unfortunate things that affect them or happen in the world.

The material was very interesting and I experienced new interesting topics about the digital issues of the future. EU data protection The GDPR is still a mysterious whole. Preventing the registration of catalogs and databases is a challenge for many small businesses. I think the protection of the individual has evolved but the flow of information in the digital world remains a major problem.