I work as a Research Engineer at Savonia University of Applied Sciences. In my work, I use computers and many different programs every day in laboratory work (controlling devices), teaching and studying (online learning environment) and communication (email, intranet, worktime announcement system etc.)

When I start and stop my working day, I will use the worktime announcement system. In the morning, I go to Savonia’s intranet and check the announcements and news. If I have been sick, I use absence system to report my sick leave days. I also check my email for new mails.

In laboratory work, I use computers to control sophisticated laboratory devices such as atomic absorption spectrometer and carbon and nitrogen analyzer. The work begins by creating a method and calibration solutions to make a calibration curve for the method. After that, it will be possible to measure the sample solutions. Samples are set to autosampler rack and their names and places in the rack will be determined to the program’s worklist. Then the computer will run the device independently and results can be seen after a certain time.

The online learning environment is flexible way to give exercises to students, carry out studies or take some tests.  Everyone can study whenever they have time and they can do it anywhere they want.

In the future I think that digitalization will change life and work even further. More and more things will be automated and more and more new applications will be developed.

The General Data Protection Regulation effects in my working life for example so that I will no longer keep lists of people’s personal information unlike some years ago. Nor will I send emails to a group of people so that everyone could see each other email address. Due to GDPR people have more control over their personal data which is very good.

Open digital society can cause some risk to people’s and companies’ privacy. Positive effects are that people can be connected very easy virtually with friends and family. In addition, business meetings can be held virtually so there is no need to travel as much as before which is a good thing from environmental view.

A self evaluation

I learned that digitalization has positive aspects and some negative. Digitalization is safe with a right behavior and precautions online and in social media. Digitalization increases and updates fast, so it will be lifelong learning for all of us to keep up with the changes.

The blogs I commented are:

4 thoughts on “DIGI SOCIETY

  1. Hey Laura. It`s nice to read your thoughts about digitalization. I agree with you that the online learning environment are flexible way to study. It gives you the opportunity to study when time is suddenly freed up, e.g. by phone. These are my second studies in Savonia and i think their Moodle platform is just awesome.

  2. Hi Laura! It was nice to read about your work and how you view digitalization. Agree that there are many different systems via digitalization that help us at work and in school. During COVID Teams was launched and it has changed a lot they way we work so it will be interesting to see what new systems will be made, maybe something we dont even think we need currently.

  3. Hi Laura,
    I agree with your perspective on the digital future. Your insights on automation, data protection, and the pros and cons of a digital society are well-reasoned. Adaptability and lifelong learning are indeed vital in this ever-changing digital landscape.

  4. Hi Laura,
    thank you for providing insights to a day of an research engineer in Savonia. It’s easy for a student to forget the side of research that academics are doing in the same buildings and labs being used by teachers and students too.
    Your views on digitalization in education and research around it felt like something I was expecting them to be. I also find that digitalization will introduce more possibilities and with that challenges to the world of research.

    Best regards, Juha

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