What Kind of Manager/Leader Am I?

My strengths are structured approach, attention to detail, reliability, dedication, respect for hierarchy, taking clear steps and challenge with change.

The personality test I took suggested me with the ISTJ (Logistician) trait, which is spot on. I have always had a structured and organized approach to my work, which is a strength in managerial roles.
I am reliable and dedicated, which was mentioned in the test. This ensures the commitment for an effective manager.
I always respect hierarchy and authority, which contributes to a leadership style that values clear roles and responsibilities.
Well set steps and defined responsibilities mentioned in the test corresponds to a fondness for structure and contributes to a organized approach to managerial tasks.
The test mentioned that ISTJs can have trouble with change, which is not true in my point of view. I have always been in favor for change. Exploring new strategies to ensure adaptability is good for your and your company’s growth.
Good example for this is when I implemented LEAN methology for our team for construction logistics. This raised our productivity by over 40% and saved our customer a hefty sum from the budjet.

To develop my managerial skills I need to be more flexible, encourage others, have clear communication and give constructive feedback instead of criticism.
I need to challenge myself and others in a positive way. Re-evaluating my values and goals are in order.
Focus on developing my skills to a more charismatic and visionary way.

Transformational leadership feels the one to home for me, since transformational leader’s approach is challenging and transforming individuals’ values, ethics, standards and long-term goals.
They also express themselves through confidence and motives, which sound exactly like me.

When pondering my past experiences in leading positions I have always had a weak point in social skills and flexibility. I am going to work on the problems in the future to be a better manager.

Personality test



