
Liisa Arpiainen


About me:

I work as a dental hygienist in hospital, and I would like to develop sustainability and change management in health care.  I’m interested in digitalisation and the opportunities it gives to my working field. I have served as a charge dental hygienist in a private company and learned management skills as well as organisational development skills.  I also have a high competence as a clinician in my working field.


Dental hygienist, Kuopio University Hospital 10/2022- present

Dental assistant, Med Group Oy, part-time 07/2023- present

Dental assistant, Mehiläinen Oy, part-time 07/2023- present

Charge dental hygienist, Hammas Hohde Oy 01/2018 -10/2022

Dental hygienist, Hammas Hohde Oy 05/2016 – 01/2018

Dental Hygienist, Plus Terveys Oy Kuopion Hymyhammas 02/2015 – 01/2016

Dental assistant, Ylä-Savo SOTE 05/2014 – 08/2014


Master’s degree, Expert on sustainable future, Interdisciplinary studies, Savonia University of Applied Sciences 09/2023 – predicted graduate date 06/2026

Master’s degree, Health care administration/Management, Savonia University of Applied Sciences 01/2021 – predicted graduate date 12/2024

Bachelor of Applied Sciences, Dental Hygienist, Savonia University of Applied Sciences 09/2011 – 12/2014

Finnish Matriculation examination, General upper secondary school, 08/2004-06/2007