I work as a dental hygienist at a hospital. My job is mainly wo work as clinician, but whenever we have meetings with my team or sometimes with other professionals from other clinics I use mainly Teams to connect with. As I work in a public health care we don’t have that much marketing to do as I had when I worked in privat clinic. My earlier workplace used also Microsofts applications such as Teams but we also used Whatsapp for quick communication. The marketing were also taken to Facebook and Instagram as well as recruiting used LinkedIn.

Public health care also uses for example TikTok and Instagram for share information and to do the health enlightenment. But I haven’t provided content on those platforms. Public health care also has a plenty of applications and sofwares that are chosen to use, even if those aren’t necessarily the best, easiest or simplest for the user. I would like to choose from varieable platforms, but unfortunately it is not that simple when working in public service. There’s also a huge systemic software safety protocol before you can start to use any new softwares or applications. That’s why we have a much more limited assorment of optional softwares or applications to use.

I chose these five tools to take closer look of:

SafetyCulture (iAuditor)

iAuditor or SafetyCulture is an application that allows people easily to report issues or tasks on the field. In my work I have some responsibilities concerning work safety and well-being at work. I’m aslo responsible for keeping up with maintenance of the devices we use in dentistry. I think this kind of app would make my work easier. Now other employees sends me email or walks to me to tell that some device is broken or needs it yearly maintenance quickly. We have a software that I use to report or order a maintenance from the service, but that software isn’t that quick or easy to use. And it doesn’t give an opportunity to other employees to check or order. I think this iAuditor would help me to locate the problem easier and make it easy for other employees to message me about the needs.


Miro seems an effective application to make teamwork easier even when team members aren’t located in a same place. I don’t know in what part of my present job I could use this, but I think this would help my student group to complete our project in organisational sustainability work that we have. This would help a lot to enhance our work as we operate remotely. We have a lot of design work to do and I think this kind of software allows everyone to do their tasks by their own but keep the whole group updated.

In health care services I think this kind of app would work in developing groups. But in my work as a clinician I would use this quite infrequently.


Mural seems to be a great tool to facilitation. I think this kind of tool would work for example when asking employees ideas and innovations to increase their own or the teamwork. I think I have seen this tool in use once in a health well-being training. It was used to give everyone a voice, because not everyone wants to say things out loud. In my work place there are some who makes a lot of noise and others are silent, even if I think those quiet ones might have the best ideas. If I would facilitate a meeting, I think I would try this kind of application to gather all ideas in same place and to courage everyone to raise their ideas to others.


Evernote helps you organize your work as you can save your notes, tasks and scheduling in one place. I think this would help me to organize my tasks. I work for three employers and have two different studies going on and I would really like to my schedules and tasks be found easily in one place. I am not sure how it works with Evernote, but I should try. Now I have like three different Microsoft accounts and multiple places to do my works. Maybe I should try this kind of organizing. It seems that in Evernote you can also save pdf-files and images that makes doing notes easier.


I have seen files published with issuu, but I haven’t thought that I myself could also use it. Public organisation has already their own publishm systems, but I think I could use this kind of tool in some point of my working career. It seems quite easy an I like the feature that you can for example track insights like reads and impressions.

I think whatever application you choose to help your everyday work, you must be sure about the safety of it. Nowadays when the amount of different applications and digital tools have increased massively it’s not always easy to choose which to use or how reliable it is. I’m not a great friend of social media itself. I think it is scay how much we share about our personal life but also our work. I think not everyone comes to think what is allowed or appropriate to share for your personal social media when you are at work even if organisations or companies have quite unambiguous precepts for it. Still organisations and companies should keep up for sharing information and do marketing in social media because it is the trend that everyone is in to. I think we all need education with the social media. In working field and also in personal life. Even the social media makes our life easier we must all know how to use it safely and effectively.

Self evaluation

I’m not very familiar with the social media. I’d rather be without, but nowadays it isn’t easy, because many companies use it is the main channel to communicate or give information.

It was interesting to familiarize with different tools that may be handy at my work. At the same time it feels too laborious to start using the whole new tool or application. It’s easier to stay with the familiar once even if I know they don’t necessarily serve me that well in some situations. This section of studies still gave me some great ideas to improve my working habits with different tools. And it also made me think about how inflexible my present working place is to take any new tools to help our work. But maybe that will change when the needs are said out loud.