Digi society

My own digital area of expertise is best suited to mobile phones and computers. I was born in 1991. I remember from childhood when the first Nokia mobile phones came into use. You could use your phone to make calls and send a text message. Quickly, phones began to evolve and when I was in elementary school, color-screen phones with polyphonic ringtones came along. Even this time did not last long when touchscreen phones appeared on the market. Nowadays, you can do amazing things with your phone.  The speed of development of technology and digitalisation is even worrying.

The speed of development of information technology has been fast. The computer world has become rapidly developing artificial intelligence and robotics. The world’s technology leaders have already called for a break in the development of artificial intelligence because there is no necessary information about the risks it brings. There is even talk that the development of artificial intelligence could be a threat to the existence of humanity.

Personally, however, I see a great deal of benefit for the future. Artificial intelligence will enable things that we can’t even imagine today. I see the greatest potential in the development of nursing. For example, robotics can compensate for a lack of resources in the field.

One of the threats associated with digitalisation is the loss of jobs. However, at the moment, changes and developments have mainly increased the number of jobs. However, the amount of work to be performed will probably decrease in the future, as the machines do the monotonous and mechanical work. People can focus on doing work that is more productive and meaningful.

The video article “Watch your day in 2020”, published in 2011, was really interesting. I personally am interested in everything related to visioning the future, so I watched the video very carefully. It is exciting and fascinating to see how well the development of digitalisation has been predicted. Almost all the technology shown in the video is existing today. I don’t think the digital kitchen table is on the market yet, or at least I haven’t noticed it anywhere myself. Otherwise, everything shown in the video was already familiar. It made me smile to see the facetime phone call of the man featured in the video to his mother. It is crazy to think, that face time phone calls were not everyday thing to do in 2011.

As a result of the information security reform, several reforms came to my workplace. Each employee had to complete a security course that went through what the data protection reform means in practice. The passwords on the computer had to be changed to a certain kind. With logins, the number of authentications increased. So far, I cannot say anything negative about the reform. It’s been a while since I last produced the English text. Reading other students’ blogs is helpful in coping with the task. The video about the privacy of emails was thought-provoking and interesting. It’s been nine years since the video, so one can only imagine what the situation is today. A review of the information security reform was important for me to watch.

One thought on “Digi society

  1. Satu Bakke

    What an interesting blog post! I totally agree with you that the technology has develop so quickly during our lifetime! Nowadays our “whole life” is on mobile phones, from pictures to travel documents and different memberships. I unlock the training studio door with the app on my mobile phone, so I need to take it with me everywhere. If we lose mobile phones we need to get a new one immediately and hope that all data has been copied to cloud services.
    You had a great point of using AI in healthcare. I totally agree with you, that it can create lots of opportunities. For example, even though urbanization is speeding up, there are still many people living in remote areas. And I think that AI and digitalization can help people to live in these remote areas even when they are getting old and need assistance.
    It will be interesting to see how the future will be.


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