
I work as a paramedic at the North Karelia Rescue Department. We use several different digital tools in emergency care. One of the tools is the KEJO system, where patient data is recorded. In addition to the KEJO system, tasks are recorded in the digital CODEA program. In addition to this, there is a third place where patient data is recorded: Mediatri.

KEJO is a common field system for security authorities. Patient data is recorded in KEJO with nationally uniform data structures. When the generated emergency care report is stored from KEJO in the Patient Data Repository, the data can be utilised by all healthcare operators using the archive. 

CODEA is an electronic medical record report. It automatically collects task base information, transport codes, and transportation destination. Unit status information and their timestamps are automatically displayed. It retrieves the patient’s personal data and address using this personal identity code. Codea reads vital signs directly from the defibrillator and, if necessary, incorporates the information in the report into the hospital’s system.

MEDIATRI is the patient information system for healthcare ogranizations. Mediatri patient information system has been developed to facilitate the work of professionals working in social and health care organisations. It enables both ERP and the processing of customers’ everyday data. Mediatri also serves as a tool for the administration responsible for the cost-effectiveness and functionality of the organisation.

In ambulance both nurses have workphones at their disposal, which are used to contact the doctor on duty if the situation requires. The ambulance controls themselves are also digital. It can be said that there is no paramedic who is alienated from the digital world.


The Teams app can be used to organize meetings and trainings at the workplace. There is a calendar in which to mark the events. With the help of the application, employees are able to participate in trainings remotely.

Instagram or Facebook are great channels to quickly convey information to people. Your organization can have a social media account where you can add educational photos, warnings, or announcements about upcoming events.

Youtube is a video application that is followed by millions of people worldwide. Youtube is also  a great way to convey information to people. For example, an organization can add videos about their activities to that website.

TikTok is a video app that can be installed on phones. This, too, is a way to reach a global audience. The app’s videos often come with humor due to the extensive filtering and video editing options.

When used correctly, social media is a great way for my organization to gain visibility and raise public awareness of fire service activities. However, you need to be careful what content you post on social media. Once published will always be on the internet, even if you remove it from the applications. The rescue department has several confidential applications, so the publisher must be careful that nothing prohibited ends up in the publication and data security is preserved.

How, then, to make sure in the world of work that the photo / video to be published is relevant and safe in terms of content. Before publication, the item to be published should be evaluated by more employees of the organization. In this case, it is ensured that the publication is factual, and nothing wrong happens.


When I read the assignment and started thinking about the digital tools used in my workplace, I realized that there are so many of them. For this reason, I took only a few tools for processing. At my workplace, I am part of the social media team responsible for social media publications. The creation of this task gave me some thought, and I will certainly think carefully about the next publications before I press the publish button.

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