I also guide clients to use the OmaKanta service in my work. At work, I look at the health information of individual clients with a professional identity card. Through this, I get a slightly different view than everyone in their own OmaKanta service.
According to the calculator, my minimum retirement age is 66. If I managed to make it to 68, the monthly pension amount would increase significantly. Perhaps the purpose of the system is to encourage you to work longer and be financially rewarded for it. There is a shortage of labor, and by encouraging this, competent and professional personnel can be kept. Extending retirement is only possible in such a way that people are able to take care of themselves and the workload is maintained in such a way that it does not threaten the ability to work and function.
I use digital stores quite a bit. Common sites include Zalando, Sportamore and About You. They have a service in Finnish and are publicly known. I’m quite wary of using unfamiliar sites. All the digital stores I use have service in Finnish. I also consider it important that the payment can be made with Klarna, for example, in which case I have received the product before the payment has to be made. I am careful with money matters, so of course a credit payment is good. However, I won’t be left hanging on invoices, I will pay the entire amount as soon as I have received the product I want and found it suitable for me. The credit payment is like background support, if the product didn’t arrive even if I had paid for it in advance. What is important to me in digital stores is reliability, which I have heard from acquaintances or some other reliable source.
I use Terveysportti (terveysportti.fi) every day. The service facilitates and speeds up the daily work of healthcare professionals by providing the necessary medical information in one place. The service has been in use for about 20 years, and it significantly revolutionized the healthcare industry when it arrived. Duodecim’s extensive expert organization and partners are the producers of the content. The service’s updated treatment instructions, the country’s most comprehensive medical information collection, and numerous auxiliary databases ensure that up-to-date information, from the treatment of long-term illnesses to acute situations, is always available. Terveysportti is used everywhere in our country’s primary health care and specialized medical care. At my workplace, the program is used so that everyone has direct access to the program.
Digitalization is today. Almost all daily things are handled digitally. The last decade has been a significant time of progress in digitization. Most of the population has at least a smartphone. Old-fashioned desktop computers have largely been replaced by laptops, there are digital tablets, smart watches, phones, etc.
Digitization is an everyday relief for many, but there is also a population for whom advanced digitization is a problem. These population groups include, for example, the elderly and the poor, who cannot afford to purchase smart devices for themselves.

While blogging, you found yourself thinking about how much the digital world guides us in life. Both in your free time and at work. It is true that in many cases, digitalization makes it easier and faster to handle things. Speed up? Yes, why on earth has our world gone to the point where we are always very busy and there must always be faster alternatives to get things done… There is both good and bad in this.
I myself have had time to live a life where digital was of no importance. My own children will never see this kind of life. Is it a good thing or a bad thing; well, it’s difficult to take a stand on that. The world is changing whether we like it or not. We just have to be content with the present and strive to learn new things. I myself am quite cautious in all things digital, and I wondered how those who are downright afraid of digital, its challenges and maybe risks will fare…
In working life, digitalization makes it enormously easier, for example, to transfer and manage customer data from one professional to another. Digitization has significantly changed our ways of thinking and operating.
I am studying development and management studies in the social and health sector. The studies have made me think about digitalization from a management perspective as well. Health technology is developing at a tremendous pace, which should be taken into account/anticipated in the company’s strategy to the extent possible. Digitalization has also changed management. For example, the immediate manager no longer sits nearby, but further away, and communication with him may take place largely using electronic tools, for example Teams or e-mail. This is where I see the risk. In my opinion, face-to-face reciprocal communication gives the manager a real picture of the situation of the work community or an individual employee. Even though the world is becoming digital, we still need genuine encounters!
This assignment made me think about my own digital behavior. I think I’m quite a timid user of social media and other digital sites. My children are teenagers and young adults. Their social media behavior and use of the internet etc. is on a completely different level compared to me. Young people are open-minded, and as a mother, I wonder if they take the threats related to digital behavior into account enough. In a certain way, thinking about things could even encourage my own behavior and the test made me believe that I can take risks into account at least to some extent. The test showed that you have to be much more precise and thoughtful than I am at the moment.