Digital shops and application

I use sites like Ebay very little. There is little information about the product and I’m afraid the quality is not good. In addition, I don’t know if the products are responsibly produced or how a possible complaint would really work. Basically, I’m against online stores that sell really cheap low-quality stuff. I don’t want to support disposable culture. As a consumer, I am thoughtful, but on the other hand, I don’t spend enough time online. I use Zalando for purchases, where you can find clothes and accessories that all family members like. Zalando’s website has a lot of information about responsibility and I have found it to be a reliable site.

I use very few applications or online stores in my field, but the ones I use are invariably Finnish small companies. At the moment, I prefer the website, where you can find many inspiring materials for early childhood education. The website seems transparent and reliable. Having used the products, I also know that they are high-quality teaching materials.

A fun and functional application is a Mouse Timer. That application can help children focus on a task, for example getting dressed.