With the pandemic, working in a non-profit organization changed a lot. Corona time moved work to remote work, from offices to home. Before, activities, courses, peer support, trainings etc were carried out face-to-face, and today the main focus is on online actions. Now and from now on, in the non-profit organization field, functions transferred to the network will be developed and worked on. With the pandemic, a lot of new services were developed online, which was a good kick to develop further. In my own work, chat work, working on teams and zoom platforms has become new. Work has become more multidimensional and requires more self-management so that work does not become chaotic with different applications and devices. My clients may have challenges using equipment or financially buying equipment, so that’s something that makes me think about how to guarantee participation for everyone or whether it’s possible at all. 

Open digital society enables information to come to people who uses it on a daily basis and makes it more accessible. However, it has its own risks, because information about people is collected for different parties. GDPR brings security to people, because extra information is no longer collected about them and the collected information must be justified and there must be consent. In my own work, the GDPR influenced the fact that I had to make data protection statements about the registers collected at the workplace. At my workplace, GDPR increased the accuracy of maintaining the register like who can see and use the data. It also influenced what data was collected from individuals. It increased the openness and transparency of operations. In a small organization, it brought its own challenges, because the regulation had to be familiarized with and it produced additional work such as which data is not registered and which is. The meaning of the regulation is important, because a person can find out where and for what their data is used and delete it when they request it. 

I asked Chat GPT about the funding and salary of social and health care nonprofit organizations. The AI ​​gave relevant answers, although they were general in nature, not very specific answers. So the artificial intelligence answered correctly in my opinion, I knew the same answers. I think the answers for the free version of Chat GPT are narrower than in the paid version, because the information has not been updated since 2022. Chat GPT also does not provide source information so the correctness of the information could not be checked. I think artificial intelligence makes people’s everyday lives easier, because it does part of the work faster and more agilely than a human. It feels modern, because we live in an information society where information is constantly available. 

On the other hand, it felt like this was a familiar thing. On the other hand, it feels good to wake up from time to time to think about data protection, artificial intelligence, its ethics and one’s own online behavior. If I had taken this course a few years ago, the content would have been newer to me. It reflects how quickly the world develops, jobs develop along with technology. I could get more information about how my personal information is protected online and in different applications.

One thought on “DIGI SOCIETY

  1. Pauliina Olsson-Hurt

    Nice reflection on the accessibility if devices are needed to access care. I agree that Chat GPT gives quite general answers to questions and the missing source material is a problem.


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