Timo Sirviö

The world has changed and will change around you. ICT has made a huge impact on almost every aspect of our daily lives – its power influencing engineering, health, banking, finance, education,  research, aerospace, communications, defense, entertainment to present just a few. Change doesn’t recognize industry boundaries. The rules of the digitalized world apply to different working environments and businesses of all sizes, in every field. The digital revolution continues and it brings also challenges. Now it’s your turn to learn more, find and analyze existing information, recreate new and bring your ideas to the others.


This section is the size of one ECTS credit.

  1. Watch videos below.
  2. Read what others have written about the topic.
  3. Leave a comment on two interesting articles written by your fellow students.
  4. Write your experiences so far of the digitalisation in your own field of expertise – and what are your future ideas. How the digitalization will change life and work in the future? Report main topics or conclusions and publish it in your blog.
  5. Evaluate the risks of open digital society. Utilize the Data protection reform. On 2016 the general data protection regulation entered into force and  it was applied from 2018. How it effects in your personal/working life? What positive and negative effects you can see in that?
  6. Chat GPT is an (AI) artificial intelligence service that works online. You can read about Chat GPT here: https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/. Log in to the chat GPT service (https://chat.openai.com/auth/login). Once you have created an ID and logged in to the service, ask the Chat GPT a few different questions related to your working field. Finally, write briefly what the answers were like? Could the artificial intelligence answer correctly? What are the problems with the answers? What do you think about artificial intelligence in general and its potential benefits?
  7. Write a self evaluation. What you learn and what you should know more about.

Orientation materials

Big Data & IoT
Kenneth Cukier: Big data is better data (15 min)
Marco Annunziata: Welcome to the age of the industrial internet (12 min)

Cyber Security
Andy Yen: Think your email’s private? (12 min)
James Lyne: Everyday Cybercrime – and what you can do about it (17 min)

Data protection reform
European Union: Data protection reform (video 1 min) and What is GDPR? (texts)

Future Visions
Pranav Mistry: The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology (14 min)
Office of Today, Workplace of Tomorrow (5:30 min)
Watch your day in 2020 (5:30 min) – Vision from 2011! How is the vision true today?
Robots that fly … and cooperate (16:46 min)
Drone & Healthcare (1:30 min)
Maurice Conti: The incredible inventions of intuitive AI (15:23 min)
Europe’s Digital Decade: digital targets for 2030 (Texts)