What are my experinces of the digitalisation? 1st time I had some connections to this item about 36 years ago, when I was working as application engineer using Dezentralized Computer Systems. Since then digitalisation has reached all of us on one way or other. In the future we will see huge steps concerning sensor technology (incl. IoT), which means that sensors will be cheaper and they will be integrated everywhere. An other significant step will happen concerning human machine interfaces, which means that we don’t have any separate (bigger) devices like mobile phones. This means that technolgy follows us everywhere and it will be usable 24/7. Hopefully there is also off switch, so that an individual may take some vacation and forget for a moment digiworld.

What are possible risks of open digital society ? Highest risk have been and still is that confidental personal data will be misused on one way or other resulting economical losses. Especially criminals have misled elder citizen’s to give their bank ID and suddenly citizen’s bank account balance can be zero. Also we have seen cases when stolen sensitive individual data have been published in public networks when blackmailing was not succesfull. From the personal point of view utilizing of Data protection reform has not caused any visible negative impacts. By the other hand this GDPR can help to protect personal data and specify what kind of data can be collected and how it shall be stored / maintained. An individual shall be awake and douple think that what kind of information he / she is releasing e.g. in the social media systems.

Personally I have learned more about possibilities to use new technology in my daily life as well as in daily work. Due to the fact Digi society needs more and more database capacity which means that many companies are eager to construct data centers for business purposes. These data “factories” needs huge amount of electrical energy, which is produced by sustainable energy sources like wind turbine and solar panels. These energy sources as well as other sustanable energy sources are interesting from my point of view.

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