Roles of Manager in Different Working Communities

What do managers actually do? If we intend to train and educate the next generation managers, we need to have better understanding of what we are training them for? Professor Henry Mintzberg was not satisfied with former depiction of managers, he felt that these were too narrow and weren´t an accurate presentation of managerial job. Mintzberg made his own research and presented more accurate answer to the question :What does a manager actually do? 

Mintzberg´s research managers serve three distinct roles in the organization

Interpersonal Management Roles – involve providing information and ideas 

Figurhead role is engaged in activities. Managers have social, ceremonial and legal responsibilities. In my work CEO is actively involved in daily business, he is ready for figureheads responsibilities.   I as Area Director try to show example with my way of working. At VPS our CEO and area directors attend to important events. 

Leader –leads their team, department or entire company. They are accountable for the work and performance of their subordinates 

As a liaison, managers serve as a connection between their organization/subunit to those outside of it. Good manager is able to network effectively on behalf of an organization. In my work I keep growing our network. 

Informational Management Roles – involve processing information 

Monitor Our organization is actively following what new happens in our industry. Managers in our organization are educated and able to gather information and process this effectively. 

Disseminator must have good communication skills. Sharing information to others so that it is understood and “sold” to them is not always the easiest task. People learn differently and adapt to changes in different ways. 

Spokesperson represents organization in presentations. These presentations can be something small like introducing your company services to potential client or presenting your company in wider media. If there is interview spokesperson will answer to medias questions. At VPS a spokesperson gives answers to different networks for example when needed. 

Decisional Roles –involve using information 

Entrepreneur – manager create and control changes in organization. They bring new ideas to practice, solve problems. 

Disturbance handler –In case of obsticles, manager takes charge of solving them. It is advanced if managers have understanding and skills to manage emotion.  

Resource allocator – Managers determinate where organizational resources are best applied.  

Negotiator – Manager takes often part and even direct important negotiations. Negotiation skills can be improved by learning more about things like win-win negotiation and bargaining tactics.  

Own evaluation of my behavior and skills related to Manager´s roles 

In my work I am constantly changing roles, different situations and work tasks require this. Understanding these roles gives an opportunity to improve management skills. My daily task can be visiting client company or presenting our company at fairs, informing staff about future happenings, interviewing job seekers, follow what happens in industries we service, handling reclamations, wide range of many more tasks. 

Here is my evaluation from 1-10, of my current skills with Mintzberg´s roles:  

  • interpersonal roles; figurehead 7, leader 7, liaison 9 
  • Informational roles; monitor 8, disseminator 8, spokesperson 7 
  • decisional roles; entrepreneur 9, disturbance handler 9, resource allocator 8, negotiator 9 

At the moment 3 key managerial roles for me are monitor, liaison and leader. 

Personnel industry is going through a change now.  It is very important to develop and maintain (internal) and external relationships, these are liaison´s tasks. Keeping touch with other VPS offices, buyers, suppliers and strategic partners. Even that daily management with rented employees belongs to client companies, there still is many issues where VPS is needed. We can surely smooth many things between client companies and our employees who work in their supervision. Good network with those who work with employees coming from abroad is highly valuable now. TE services 2024 –is plan that has affect to private employment services too.  

In our office there is just 3 people working and work load is huge. I in leader role lead put team towards our goals. 

As in monitor role I keep my eyes and ears open to news in our industry, what are competitors doing, are government regulations changing and other industry trends.. Keeping eye on all potential changes is important. Internal and external sources might give hint of these, and possible problems and opportunities for growth can be identified. Custom feedback from client companies and employees is very important.  


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