Category Archives: Yleinen

Knowledge Management Practices

There are many different knowledge management practices that organizations can use. There is growing amounth evidence of KM´s contribution to organizational performance, but still room to study more about KM.  For example some performance that has been interperate and measured very differently in existing studies such as innovativeness, product and employee improvment, product leadership, customer intimacy and operational excellence, competitive position and financial outcomes. Many studies focuse on knowledge processes rather then KM practices. Heisig´s categorization is based on 160 KM research models and represented the main themes. 

Firm´s knowledge resources can enchance innovation, improve efficieny, and positively impact financial- and market-based performance indicators. It is said that there is link between knowledge resources and firm-level performance outcomes. 

Heisig´s KM categorization (4 blocks) 

Human-oriented knowledge  

  • Knowledge-based human resource management practices HRM – influence the company´s bottom line directly, for example activating knowledge processes and creating capabilities within the organization, by strengthen employees´affective commitment, by building impersonal trust to add value to relationships and by increasing the utilization of IT support for KM. HRM practices increase knowledge processess, suvh as acquisition, sharing and creation and this way to innovations. Innovations on many levels administrative and technical, product and service, technology knowledge and product and process. HRMpracticescan positively influence on the affective commitment of employees and impersonal trust 
  • Knowledge management leadership. A transformational mode of leadership including idealized influence, intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation and individualized consideration, increase performance compared to competitors improved knowledge acquisition and financial performance through learning and innovation. Participating leadership mode and initiation of goal structure were noted to be favorable features for supervisory work, as they increased knowledge application and learning as well as speed to market and innovation. Management´s involvement is communities of practice was noticed to increase knowledge expansion and increment innovations, and steering the firm towards its innovation goals. Senior management commitment was not seen as important. Some studies say that successful KM leadership requires, special KM unit or KM roles and KM strategy as supportive factors. Well functioning technological support, a relevant reward system, training regime and KM Strategy. 


  • IT seen as resource, something that a firm owns or possesses. IT supports in collabration, communication, information search, real-time learning, simulation and prediction. Utilization of IT support for KM steering firms succcess, increase in market share, improwed growth rate and better profitability and innovativeness. 


  • Special unit in charge of KM. It is found that decentralization of power was an insignificant factor overorganizational performance 

Manager processed-oriented 

  • Human oriented KM strategy was linked with highly rated hotels with traits such as the perceived importance of tactic knowledge and efficient sharing of it, encouragement for individual level creativity and innovativeness, development of human capital and knowledge acquisition through human channels. Open knowledge sharing.  

Tactic knowledge in organizations 

Tactic knowledge is hard verbalize, articulate, described,communicated or convey. Value generated from tactic knowledge has the potential to provide unique and sustained advantage (Ambrosini, 2003; Barney, 1991; Berman, Down and Hill, 2002; Crook, Ketchen, Combs, & Todd, 2008). It is something that is harder for competitors to imitate, but also difficult for firms to expand and fully exploit its potential. Tactic knowledge can pass more easily when dealing with in person vs remotely. 

Micheal Polyain was first to introduce the concept of tactic knowledge. Tactic knowledge can be seen as a compination of conscious and unconscious propositions.  It is employees combination of theoretical and formal knowledge and experience, intuition, and spontaneous information. This way employees have possibility to know and act within the rules of the organization, and cope with changing conditions flexibly.  

Knowledge sharing at my work place 

In our organization we have quality manual, it is often used as tool for introducing our company and working methods fo new office employees. In thid manual there is our company´s vision, goals, examples of making offers, contracts, contact information for IT services etc. This is great tool but not answering to all questions. 

In personnel service industry I think we could got towards similar “Heureka”-style KM practices as Xerox had done in past. This could be done in just our organization or possible on some level with rival companies too. At Xerox their manual for their technicians wasn´t enough. It was discovered that conversation between different technicians in groups could solve obstacles that manual couldn´t. 

Teamwork and manager-employee knowledge sharing 

In our office there is just three of us and we work very tightly together. We have greated our own tip list or it can be compared to be extension to our organizational manual. Tactic knowledge is valuable for us too and shared even when we don´t even recordnize this happening. We have multible KM practices in use, information flow is open and no one is scared to bring matters for joint coversations. 

When it comes to organizational level and KM, there is lot to improve. We are not keeping contact between each office around Finland enough. I think regular Teams meetings could be first step towards this. F2F meetings are not possible at the moment. It is likely that if we kept more contact there would be real benefits for the company. Sometimes it can feel that we are not working for same goals, due partly to fact that we are been compared to each other (between different offices). 


  • Dixon, Nancy 2012. Sharing Tacit Knowledge – Nancy Dixon tells the story about Xerox Copy Repair Technicians. YouTube video.  
  • Dixon, Nancy 2015. Why different organizations do KM differently. YouTube video. Viitattu 9.5.2023. 
  • Stenius, Minna 2016. Why share? Motivation predictors of individual knowledge sharing in expert work. Verkkojulkaisu. Viitattu 3.12.2022. 
  • Von Krogh, Georg, Ichijo, Kazuo & Nonaka, Ikijiro 2000. Enabling knowledge creation: how to unlock the mystery of tacit knowledge and release the power of innovation. Viitattu 28.11.2022. 
  • Andreeva,Tatiana, Kianto Aino, 2012. Does knowledge management really matter? Linking knowledge management practices, competitiveness and economic performance. Journal knowledge management VOL 16 NO.4 2012.
  • Inkinen, Henri, 2016. Review of empirical research on knowledge management practices and firm performance. Journal of knowledge management VOL 20 NO.2 2016.
  • Eckhard, Rory, 2014. Tacit Knowledge Transfer and Firm Growth: An Experience-Based Approach ,  University of Massachusetts Amherts, 2014 


During this course I have had to take the time and look closer to my managerial skills. I want to develop my leadership and managerial skills, good leaders empower and participate others, stay authentic and have self-awareness, keep focus on relationships and athmosphere, motivate, direct and support their team towards goals.  

I am now more aware of my personality features and undestand that in order for me to improve my manners and way of thinking I have to consciously make real effort to brake my old happits and develop my weaker traits and skills. Even that company where I work as Area Manager has traditional hierarchy that suit me well, I am preparing myself for this to change in to something else. Personnel service industry is definately going through big changes. I am anxiesiosly waiting for new government program to be published and how it will affect our industry and network that we work with. 

My plan is to keep learning about AI and machine learning. Just the fact that more and more of rival companies have these digital resources in their use I feel it is important to keep tract on whats new or if there is some software that is above others. I get almost weekly some offers of these companies that offer some software for HR purposes. As we are multicultural work place and our staff comes all over the world, people have.  

I will keep role as spokesperson still in high value. We don´t have huge budget for advertising , or on organization level any constant national visibility, there for actions made as spokesperson are very important. What kind of image and prestige we give are tightly connected to spokesperson. I hope to be example to my coworkers. I hope to lead people to same goals, way that motivates and excites people to work towards these goals. 

Managerial competency model can be used as tool to help managers in self-reflection and development. I am now developing my business competencies with my studies. Of course I hope to develop on all six clusters. Intrapersonal and social competencies are something that lie deep in my personality and and is more difficult for me to judge my own performance. I will make sure I am open to take feedback and even search for it and not to take it as badly as consul personality types may take it. By exploring other theoretical frames and new researches, I can keep focused and motivated learning and developing in my work. Good motivators can be also found for example from social media, there is all kind of webinars and mentors. 

Strategic Competency Planning

What vision I have for myself in career wice in three years?  

I have worked for same company for 15 years. My tasks have changed through these years, from trainee, to assistant, to consult and then to Area Manager, and now working as Area Director. From 2009-2011 I worked for government , in employment office. I enjoy working in personnel service industry and in HR tasks.  

In future I am open for working abroad. It would be also interesting to work for company that is not related to providing personnell services to other companies. I wouldn´t mind continuing working in my current position eather, I have plenty of freedom to make changes and this industry is changing all the time. 

Management competencies are needed, in order to succeed in goals. Due to continous changes, like globalization and technological changes, we most keep developing our management skills, competences and capabilities.  

Competency ~refers to the sum of experiences and knowledge, skills, traits, aspects of self-image or social role, values and attitudes a manager has acquired during his/her lifetime.  

According to Riitta Viitala´s article “Perceived development needs of managers compared to an integrated management competency model” there is six clusters of managerial competency.

If I start from the top of this pyramide. Technical competencies, that are looked as easiest to acheve.  This could also be something that person could learn in specific work experience. Knowing tools , procedures etc from industry that you work for. In my case I have long experience and alsomy former studies support this too. 

Business competencies make a manager capable to manage things.  These include, for example, strategic preception and decision making. Confidence and knowledge how to lead systems, meaning, direction and giving vision, as well as planning, monitoring budgets, forecasting costs and revenues, cutting costs, mapping strategies, evaluating performance and organizing necessary reports. 

Knowledge management competencies includes, for example, information search, concept formation and conceptual flexibility, analytical understanding , complex problem solving skills and solution construction skills , an understanding of learning, development and improvement  as well as facilitating and tutoring the learning of others. 

Leadership and supervisory competencies are generic and transferable. Manager´s capability to direct-, support- and participate people, manage diversity, support creativity and creating community. Focus is more on people issue. 

Last two in the bottom of pyramid Social competencies & interpesonal competencies are more of personal traits and growth as a human being. These competencies are more difficult to gain. These refer in the manager´s social relations, like ability to build and maintaine relationships. 

What kind of expert ot managerial competencies my future plans require from me? 

I am sure that leadership comeptencies are very important for my future. Strong leadership skills to guide teams in future changes, in good and bad. Ability to inspire and motivate employees, show direction and create positive surronding, so that people work towards same goals. 

I am now working on my MBA papers, hope it will  increase my competencies in management-related work, meaning business competencies are on my top three competencies.  

Last but not leaast knowledge management competencies are important. I have learned that people have so many ways to learn, accept, adapr, get motivated that etc. Managers shuld be proficien in informational handling on a personal level, but also capable in the management of informational processing, learning and development at the group and organizational level. 

With these competencies I believe I could succeed with the evolving demands of the Personnel service industry in the future. 

My three year plan to develop my competencies 

In competence development it is important to be networked with different knowledge sources. Individual based development activities, on-the-job learning or possible fully outside the workplace. There is two different methods to identify training needs; task analysis and performance analysis.  

Leadership competencies and other competencies in the lower layers of this pyramide require usually more like life-long journey, then those on top, that can be achived in shorter time. In my case, I think small projects with clear goals help me to keep focus. Sometimes it is good to make goals SMART  (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound). Feedback is also important  from my suppordinates in office who work close to me, my boss CEO of our company, and suppordinates working in client companies. By being open to take criticism, new ideas and perspectives gives me opportunity to grow. 

If I start working for some other company I could have a mentor, unfortunately I don´t believe this could happen in my current work place at the moment. Mentor could provide guidence and valuable advice, possible point out or help me identify areas for improvement. I would gladly work in collabration. Ofcourse I can always observe other successful leaders and understand their leadership approach in decision-making, communication, and team management to emulate. In our organization we don´t have strong work enviroment that supports knowledge development for managers. 

My plan is to graduate year 2024, there is still few courses to do and my final work for next year. After this I am open to shorter studies and I know that I have motivation for that too. This is formal and standardized knowledge development. 

Roles of Manager in Different Working Communities

What do managers actually do? If we intend to train and educate the next generation managers, we need to have better understanding of what we are training them for? Professor Henry Mintzberg was not satisfied with former depiction of managers, he felt that these were too narrow and weren´t an accurate presentation of managerial job. Mintzberg made his own research and presented more accurate answer to the question :What does a manager actually do? 

Mintzberg´s research managers serve three distinct roles in the organization

Interpersonal Management Roles – involve providing information and ideas 

Figurhead role is engaged in activities. Managers have social, ceremonial and legal responsibilities. In my work CEO is actively involved in daily business, he is ready for figureheads responsibilities.   I as Area Director try to show example with my way of working. At VPS our CEO and area directors attend to important events. 

Leader –leads their team, department or entire company. They are accountable for the work and performance of their subordinates 

As a liaison, managers serve as a connection between their organization/subunit to those outside of it. Good manager is able to network effectively on behalf of an organization. In my work I keep growing our network. 

Informational Management Roles – involve processing information 

Monitor Our organization is actively following what new happens in our industry. Managers in our organization are educated and able to gather information and process this effectively. 

Disseminator must have good communication skills. Sharing information to others so that it is understood and “sold” to them is not always the easiest task. People learn differently and adapt to changes in different ways. 

Spokesperson represents organization in presentations. These presentations can be something small like introducing your company services to potential client or presenting your company in wider media. If there is interview spokesperson will answer to medias questions. At VPS a spokesperson gives answers to different networks for example when needed. 

Decisional Roles –involve using information 

Entrepreneur – manager create and control changes in organization. They bring new ideas to practice, solve problems. 

Disturbance handler –In case of obsticles, manager takes charge of solving them. It is advanced if managers have understanding and skills to manage emotion.  

Resource allocator – Managers determinate where organizational resources are best applied.  

Negotiator – Manager takes often part and even direct important negotiations. Negotiation skills can be improved by learning more about things like win-win negotiation and bargaining tactics.  

Own evaluation of my behavior and skills related to Manager´s roles 

In my work I am constantly changing roles, different situations and work tasks require this. Understanding these roles gives an opportunity to improve management skills. My daily task can be visiting client company or presenting our company at fairs, informing staff about future happenings, interviewing job seekers, follow what happens in industries we service, handling reclamations, wide range of many more tasks. 

Here is my evaluation from 1-10, of my current skills with Mintzberg´s roles:  

  • interpersonal roles; figurehead 7, leader 7, liaison 9 
  • Informational roles; monitor 8, disseminator 8, spokesperson 7 
  • decisional roles; entrepreneur 9, disturbance handler 9, resource allocator 8, negotiator 9 

At the moment 3 key managerial roles for me are monitor, liaison and leader. 

Personnel industry is going through a change now.  It is very important to develop and maintain (internal) and external relationships, these are liaison´s tasks. Keeping touch with other VPS offices, buyers, suppliers and strategic partners. Even that daily management with rented employees belongs to client companies, there still is many issues where VPS is needed. We can surely smooth many things between client companies and our employees who work in their supervision. Good network with those who work with employees coming from abroad is highly valuable now. TE services 2024 –is plan that has affect to private employment services too.  

In our office there is just 3 people working and work load is huge. I in leader role lead put team towards our goals. 

As in monitor role I keep my eyes and ears open to news in our industry, what are competitors doing, are government regulations changing and other industry trends.. Keeping eye on all potential changes is important. Internal and external sources might give hint of these, and possible problems and opportunities for growth can be identified. Custom feedback from client companies and employees is very important.  


What Kind of Manager/ Leader Am I? 

There are many kind of leaders and styles to lead. What makes good leader? Are they those who are inspired by life. What kind of leader is great leader, we are all unique individuals. What skills I have, am I embracing those skill, do I have some specific leadership style? I used few tests as my tool to evaluate my manners, behavior and other important features. 

Personality and Leadership ways 

Transformation Leadership Survey is designed to provide feedback about level of preference or comfort with Transformational Leadership. It measures testers skills in six factors, Charisma, Social, Vision, Transactional, Delegation, and Execution. It was established 1978 by James Burn, later 1985 Bass expanded these transformational and transactional models and noted these to be more of a continuum, than separate entities. I got 52/72 points , meaning I have right directing becoming a transformational leader. All these six factors where guite even for me, but there is still space to improve my weaknesses.   

16-personalities test is well-known, useful personality assessment tool. It was created by Isabel Myers and Katharine Briggs. According to this test I am Consul (ESFJ-A / ESFJ/T). ESFJ stands for extroverted, sensing, feeling, judging and assertive.   

Consul as a leader 

Consuls believe in the power of hospitality and good manners. Consuls want to make people in their lives to be supported, cared for, and secure. They have a clear moral compass and might have hard time to accept when other people´s actions don´t align with it. They trust in “system” like established laws, protocols, and social norms. In work life they respect traditional structures and if their subordinates end up challenging them, they react to this badly. Consuls are sensitive about their status and dislike conflict. Clear roles keep consuls effective and enjoyable managers. 

Consuls are great hosts, they enjoy the responsibility that comes with organizing social situations, they try to make sure everyone is having good time and by being host they won´t be surprised. As team leaders they make everyone feel involved, unite people and keep things smooth in order to get things done. Sometimes not being able to control everything, like someones thoughts or behavior, can be challenging to consuls. 

Evalution of my own managing skills 

I recognize many things of myself of Consul-personality description.I think my strengths are practical skills, sense of duty, loyal, sensitive and warm, good at connecting with others, just as they list to be Consul´s too. But with Consul´s weaknesses are partly different from me. I am not worried about my social status, inflexible or reluctant to innovate or improvise. Although I am too selfless. 

I am loyal and with building trust and respect with subordinates they become loyal too. I try keeping athmosphere open and willing to explaine things so that it usually excites or inspires people to work forward to achieve or work towards goals. I have lot of foreign employees and everything has to be explaned thoroughly for them. Things like taxing in Finland or how Kela works etc issues are important to understand. Many of these issues are not demanded for employer to help and advice, but by helping others it often pays back. In my work my supordinates often bring to my attention new employees or keep me updated what happens at work site. 

For me changes in work life are easier to accept then changes in personal life. If change is coming from higher hierarchy at work I am quicker to adapt. Of course usually I feel that in many matters it would be better to stick with already agreed plans, but I am willing to change if it is explained to me. If change comes from above me than I have no problem following it. Sentinel personalities thrive in environments that have clear hierarchies and rules.  Leading change isn´t at least yet my strongest skills. 


Free Personality Test, my profile

Transformational Leadership survey,

Changing Work Environment 

Working environment and processes are going through significant changes. Digitization, technological advancements, pandemic, political division and economic crisis has increased uncertainty and has had huge impact to us. Same goes with private and public personnel service industry. For example work is more flexible, remote work has come part of normal, AI and machine learning are  tools for many companies.  

What will be needed from future leaders? DDI´s Global Leadership Forecast 2021 is the largest leadership study of its kind. It reveals key trends for future. Future leaders need to learn new skill and have ability to adapt to changes quickly (Neal, Boatman & Watt 2021).

Top trends that impact my working environment

Advancing digital future of work. We are multicultural workplace, we have several offices around Finland, job appliers and workers all around the world. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are becoming more important tools in the personnel service industry, helping organizations automate processes such as candidate screening, skill assessments, and candidate matching . There is different levels how this digitization shows in my work. Nowadays there is so many innovating ideas how to handle these HR issues in digital world, that it would be important to jump aboard. It seems that the whole world is speeding up with super-fast internet.

Digital transformation helps companies build work spaces and tasks that allow remote workers to be effective. Most of us are now more ready then before pandemic, it forced people to accept and adapt changing work environment. Public services in employment field are going through change,  their services are competitioned with private sector. Also other coverment offices are trying to get their services online, competitioners have more digital services and AI helping them with daily work.  

At VPS we should be more upto date with digital future of work. Our employees are mainly in productive work, that is hand made, but we could spice up our own digital environment. In my work I try to be aware of changes around us and adjust and learn about these as smoothly as possible. VPS should build strategic vision for a new future and start building unified team to go towards these goals. I am studying master´s degree and keeping myself involved to these matters. When it comes to leading virtual teams,we don´t have any specific guidelines and rules for these. Sometimes employees working for client companies might feel that they don´t get support they need. Also digital skills among our employees vary.

Craving Connection in a virtual Workplace – Person to Person interaction is happening less and less. I can see how quickly it has tremendous affect how loyal they stay to our company. As a leader, it is essential to communicate with your team regularly. Clear and open communication builds trust and your team will be working towards same goals. A positive work environment promotes productivity, creativity, and employee happiness. Encourage, recognize and reward their efforts. Encourage employees to collaborate, praise their work and provide constructive feedback. If there is problems , be proactive, identify risks and work on them with your team. You can earn respect and trust from your team if you keep them updated .  

Future leaders –according to GLF 2021 we are lacking of potential future leaders. I agree. Many companies would answer to this differently but I look at this also as business opporturnity. HR services are used more and we have possibility to search and tain these promising future talents. It is good to stay tuned for what features are most valued in future leaders. Expectations from both sides client companies looking for leaders and future leader appliers have more variety or different expectations then they used to have. Personnel service companies could be able to help matching and even growing future leaders. Many companies own bench strength is weak.  I believe in emphasing values like diversity and inclusion are important in recruitment and selection processes, emphasing soft skills are also future leaders features. There is pressure to develop and retain top talents. HR professionals agree that identifying and developing future talent continues to be challenge in the future. 

Overall, the personnel service industry is has to adapt to new trends, and those that do it successful will be the best companies that will be successful in the coming years. Facing new crisis, with new skills and ability to keep learning, will be needed from leaders, change is inevitable. 


Neal, Stephanie, Boatman, Jazmine, Rhyne, Rosey, Yeh, Mindy & Watt, Bruce 2023Global Leadership Forecast 2023

Neal, Stephanie, Boatman, Jazmine & Watt, Bruce 2021. Global Leadership Forecast 2021

Larson, Barbara, Vroman, Susan, Makarius, Erin 2020. A guide to managing your (newly) remote workers.