
During this course I have had to take the time and look closer to my managerial skills. I want to develop my leadership and managerial skills, good leaders empower and participate others, stay authentic and have self-awareness, keep focus on relationships and athmosphere, motivate, direct and support their team towards goals.  

I am now more aware of my personality features and undestand that in order for me to improve my manners and way of thinking I have to consciously make real effort to brake my old happits and develop my weaker traits and skills. Even that company where I work as Area Manager has traditional hierarchy that suit me well, I am preparing myself for this to change in to something else. Personnel service industry is definately going through big changes. I am anxiesiosly waiting for new government program to be published and how it will affect our industry and network that we work with. 

My plan is to keep learning about AI and machine learning. Just the fact that more and more of rival companies have these digital resources in their use I feel it is important to keep tract on whats new or if there is some software that is above others. I get almost weekly some offers of these companies that offer some software for HR purposes. As we are multicultural work place and our staff comes all over the world, people have.  

I will keep role as spokesperson still in high value. We don´t have huge budget for advertising , or on organization level any constant national visibility, there for actions made as spokesperson are very important. What kind of image and prestige we give are tightly connected to spokesperson. I hope to be example to my coworkers. I hope to lead people to same goals, way that motivates and excites people to work towards these goals. 

Managerial competency model can be used as tool to help managers in self-reflection and development. I am now developing my business competencies with my studies. Of course I hope to develop on all six clusters. Intrapersonal and social competencies are something that lie deep in my personality and and is more difficult for me to judge my own performance. I will make sure I am open to take feedback and even search for it and not to take it as badly as consul personality types may take it. By exploring other theoretical frames and new researches, I can keep focused and motivated learning and developing in my work. Good motivators can be also found for example from social media, there is all kind of webinars and mentors. 

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