I have been working on coaching people since 2019. The career coach as well as a mental coach is a lot of meeting clients. Especially in the work of a career coach, the computer plays a big role in recrding, searching for information and communicating. My work includes e.g. discovering and harnessing people’s strengths and planning career paths. These digital ePlatforms I use:

Microsoft TEAMS: We use TEAMS for internal communication and information. Because we are all over Finland, teams are often used in internal communication. In addition to this, we also use it for video connections with clients. Fortunately, we used it before corona-virus, so there was little change for us. It is convenient because there is all the necessary information in one place. I find internal bulletins, my messages with co-workers, and a weekly calendar

Microsoft Office 365: Outlook is in daily use as is Word. We use a secure onedrive for notes. I also use power points from time to time if I make presentations

Linkedin: For communication and networking. There you will also find interesting articles and up-to-date information on your field.

Whatsup: I use it to a very limited extent and only if the client wants it.

Canva: I use Canva to produce different content and tasks

source Canva

As an entrepreneur, I also use Facebook and Instagram for marketing and communication. And also my own website. I think nowadays there must be some way in social media to succeed. Or at least the company needs to have a good website. I don’t want to be in touch with the company myself if I don’t see exactly what they offer somewhere.

The digital world and social media have their sides. Social media offers networking, new contacts, fast information retrieval, learning new things, and the opportunity to express yourself easily. But it also allows for addiction, anonymous bullying, misunderstanding of knowledge, and distance from the real life. I would no longer be able to imagine life without the pros and cons of social media. Of course, I hope that something can be done for us on the downside.There is also so much information that it is sometimes difficult to know what is true or what is not … or what is important and what is not.


Five new Digi Tool for my work

Tiktok or youtube could be a good new marketing channel for my business. Videos could also include information about the human mind and well-being. However, they would require an investment that I am not so sure about. Videos should be designed and it would now be important for the reputation of viewers and the company that the layout and output make sense. Sure, I used these in my spare time, but I didn’t produce videos myself or never use it at my work.

Mural is a virtual workspace that allows you to collaborate remotely with an easy-to-use visual interface. Whiteboard working online. It seemed really interesting and I could well imagine using it, for example, to work on a new idea with co-workers.

Asana: Apparently Asana could be used for job management and project planning, for example. It is apparently referred to as a collaboration tool. Maybe going in a bit of the same series with Mural. I could very well consider introducing it, but it seems a little complicated.

Trello: Checklist and organization tool. This is exactly what I need! And it’s still simple enough. It is based on kanban board, developed in the 1980s. There is on vertical lists with cards. Each card contains one clearly defined task. Tasks are divided into three lists: Tasks, Doing, and Done. Digital cards are always transferred from one list to another according to the execution stage. Each task is clearly displayed, and the whole project is easy to outline at a glance. ( https://yritä.fi/blogi/trello-mahtava-ja-ilmainen-organisointityokalu)


Self Evaluation

It was an interesting to consider the different digital platforms I use in my work. It was also very interesting to learn about different apps I hadn’t even heard of before. I feel like I’m pretty basic with a variety of applications, but in some I feel better than average. And it’s nice to see that I often ask for my help at work. This assignment made me consider my own use of social media as well as marketing opportunities.On the other hand, I also wondered whether in the future we will be able to perform even ordinary everyday tasks without some application? Do I even want to deploy new apps?

Source canva