Everyone should have the right to use digital services, but unfortunately that is not the case. Not everyone will necessarily have the necessary equipment at their disposal, nor will the know-how be enough. I think this can create inequality and deepen the digital gap. If it is not possible for a person to use digital services, then it can also lead to a lack of information, because today most of the information is on the Internet. The day-to-day activities of older people can become difficult because the services are very often online. This can even lead to financial problems if the bills are not paid due to the lack of a computer and online banking. It can also become more difficult to find employment, because finding a job through virtual services can be difficult if you do not have the skills to use digital services. As digital applications are constantly evolving, so should digital skills. If society does not provide opportunities for everyone to develop their digital skills, then it will increase inequality. So, do people who don’t use virtual services feel like they’re falling out of society? Does the lack of use of virtual services also increase the risk that social well-being will be impaired?

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