I am working as production coordinator and HR assistent in HKScan Finland Oy. The world is becoming more and more digitalized every day. How can we keep up with the development of digitalization, is it even possible? I can say it is entire possible because we people are so adaptable. When I was younger, I finished high school as a distance high school and it´s been more than 20 years since then. And nowadays distance learning is very commonplace.

As far as working life is concerned, digitization has strongly affected it as well. As a good example, my own workplace, I go to work and stamp myself with a timecard (I can also do this electronically on a computer). Then I start my work by starting my laptop. E-mail, mobile phone, several different systems etc..It is time to go to lunch, I can even pay my lunch by using my pass card. It is time of weekly procurement meeting after lunch. The meeting is held in Teams because members of our procurement team are working different parts of Finland, I have never even met them face to face. But still, we are working as a team for a common goal.  Tomorrow will be a distance workday, so I have to remember take my laptop with me.

As you can conclude what I wrote earlier, digitalization is very strongly present in working life. And role of digitalization will be emphasized in the future. And accordingly, there will be new skills need in the future and investment must be made in developing employee´s skills.  Digitalization requires continuous training and updating your skills. With new digital solutions, the nature of work can also change, and new kinds of professions can emerge.

I work in the food industry, where insects can be turned into food in the future, instead of the current beef. Robots can also replace some of the work.  Consumer buying behavior changes and consumers demand more sustainable product: new kinds of digital solutions are needed. In the future, AI will be able to conduct job interviews on my behalf and procurements will also be more automated. On the one hand, this is a good thing, but on the other hand, the risks can increase. Identity theft can increase, especially if you don’t know how to use digital solutions sensibly. When working, I must remember to ask permission from people to process personal data and, if necessary, explain what the data is used for. And it is also important to remember to tell how long the data will be kept. If the data is stored in a digital system or service, it must be remembered to make sure that it is encrypted. The good thing is that the amount of paper in the office has decreased. Part of the downside, though, is that you must remember to be more careful than before.

I feel that with the General Data Security Regulation, my data is more secure, but crime has also developed at the same rate so there is still little doubt that what if there is a data leak in an organization that has stored my personal data? In modern times, however, most of the action takes place on the internet, the apps listen to me, and based on that, marketing that is targeted at me opens in another app. At home, home appliances work via wifi-connetion, I can track my child’s location through a mobile phone and its app. Digitalization has brought a lot of good: it makes life easier at work and at home, but on the other hand I feel that social relationships are diminishing and soon we will all be just bits and numbers without personality.


Because of my work, I have had to go through information security and cybersecurity trainings, but I have not thought about them in more detail before, so they became the greatest lesson. However, I believe that in the future the importance of big data and IoT will grow, so I should learn more about those things.

Today, the service is made easy, you can renew your prescriptions or order a service time for your car from your home sofa, using a mobile phone or tablet. You can also order food at your door. But is life made too easy, or are we human beings too comfortable?

I visited and commented:

Taija´s blog:DIGI SOCIETY – Taija’s site (savonia.fi)

Kaisu´s blog: DIGI Citizen – Kaisu´s blog (savonia.fi)

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